chapter 14- God, she was so perfect

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I feel like one of those typical 90's movie boys. The ones that lie on their beds throwing a baseball at the ceiling and catching it again. Their eyebrows usually furrowed in thought and their mouths slightly open, as if they should have said something but didn't.

It's an odd feeling, and one I don't get often. It usually occurs when my mum comes home crying and sad because she's had another 1 night stand and can't live with herself. (not like that stops her from doing it again.) But this time, the feeling has occurred with a different situation.

Harry texted me. And never has he ever texted me. I know that sounds weird, but ever since I first met him when he moved to my school in year 11, ever since the day I gave him my number, not once has he sent a text.

We make arrangements in person or not at all. And that's why his short, simple "Hey, come to my house, we need to talk." Has rattled me so much.

Now, it's not unusual that Harry has 'needed to talk' but this seems different; oddly important.

This text was 20 minutes ago, and I said I'll be half an hour. It takes 10 minutes to walk over so I should probably set off. Except, for some reason, I'm holding myself back. My body won't let me move an inch.

Whatever this is about, it's scaring me. I know nothing about Harry, oddly. I know what he does now, and I know his opinions of nearly all ethical, political and phycological topics, and yet nothing of his past. Or what he does on Thursdays, which only now is starting to bug me. Or his odd connection with Josh Clark. Or basically anything of his home life. I've only ever been to his house when his parents aren't home.

Slowly, I drag my lazy ass off my bed (I make a mental note to sort out my bone idleness, it's starting to worry me) and I collect my beat up Vans from down stairs. I don't even put them on properly before leaving the house.

I trudge over to Harry's, extremely unwilling to go. I'm scared. I'm scared about what I find out; if anything at all. In a way, not finding anything out is worse than doing so. I'm tired of being left in the dark with these things.

I feel a cold drip of water splash on my nose, and look up at the helplessly grey sky. Great, rain.

As I near Harry's house, I swear my pace automatically falls until I'm barely walking a step every two seconds. That's alot longer than it sounds.

Harry's house is pretty big in comparison to others on town, and outside sits two expensive cars. The Jaguar, I find, is the most striking as you don't see them often anymore. It's a classic model and I've been in it once when going to the cinema to watch some crappy chick flick.

The second car is a simple porche and basically looks amazing, never once have I been in that one, but apparently it's ridiculous. (Harry's words)

Harry opens the door before I can ring the doorbell and greets me with a sharp nod of the head, he moves away from the door to let me past. I walk in wearily.

"So, April..." he begins, but I know he'll say something stupid like 'how are you' so I cut across.

"Why am I here?" I say, kind of horribly, but I'm not in the mood for any kind of crap today.

"I need to talk to you about some things. It won't help alot but I need you to know." He says before adding, "why I moved schools."

"You've told me. You wanted a taste of public school so you quit your bratty private school." I reply, he's not bratty actually and I have quite good friends in private schools, but that's beside the point.

"No. That's not why I moved actually." He says, his eyes dark and his face full of sadness. He looks heartbroken, and.... guilty?

"Well what then?" I feel bad about being a bitch, but I can't seem to help myself, he's annoyed me and I'm not in the mood.

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