Chapter 6- I really don't care about grammar, love

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I walk around the side of my house and unlock the gate leading to the back garden, my mum isn't back yet so I have to go in through the back door. I find the hollow rock we brought and flip it over, underneath is a compartment where we hide the key. I feel like I'm a secret agent or something every time I have to use it. 

I enter my house and take a deep breath in, letting the smell of cinnamon and oranges consume my every thought. When I breath out a smile forms on my lips, my mum must be in a good mood today, as it seems she has been baking all morning. I walk into our dining room and see a small buffet of cakes, biscuits, sweet pies, meringues, there's so much happiness lying on my dining room table, it's making me wonder what got my mum is so happy. This isn't something that happens regularly, not in my house. I take a couple of cinnamon biscuits and head upstairs to my bedroom.

There I find a plate of the same biscuits I just stole with a note:

Gone on a date! have fun alone love xx

Oh. That's why she's so happy. 

I put my half eaten biscuit on the plate, my appetite suddenly gone, I grab my head phones from the side of my bed and turn my outdated mp3 on. Time is running out by muse starts playing and, as much as I like the song, I switch it to the Arctic monkeys album, it's more my mood right now. 

I lie down on my bed and slowly drift to sleep.

I run down an empty school corridor, wearing a similar dress to the one I brought for the party but it's not exactly the same. This one is full length and touches the floor around my ankles. As I reach the end of the corridor, it grows another 50 metres forward. I run down this one too but at the end it again extends. 

The white paint that is usually tattered and vandalized is oddly bright and clean, I squint my eyes as the walls seem to be illuminating light. 

I suddenly wonder why I'm running and I turn my head to look behind me. nothing. I stop and a polished wooden door appears to my left. I reach out and turn the brass door nob. It opens to expose a crowd of people from my school. The begin to laugh, their laughter is mocking and painful to listen too. Someone appears behind me and whispers "Nobody likes you April, you really think anyone wanted you here? especially me." his voice is low and almost growls, he shove's me forward into the crowd and they start to rip pieces off my dress, slowly exposing my body.

I look up to see the speaker was Josh, he laughs and I start crying. He comes toward me, I now lie cold on the hard floor, bearly anything on. He lifts his foot above my head and forces it down wards, I shut my eyes tight.

I wake breathless, how on earth did Vicky manage to convince me to go to Josh's party again? 

I glance at my clock, it's about half past 8 at night, and I haven't even had dinner. I stumble down the stairs, still in my clothes, and make myself some soup, even if I hate the stuff. It's vile, but it's all we've got at the moment. 

I wonder how mums date is going, will she bring him home? If she does, I do not want to meet him, last time she went on a date it didn't go well. He ended up cheating on her and she was left crying on our kitchen floor, just like the day dad left. 

I was only three and all I remember was the door slamming shut and mum weeping, surrounded by smashed plates and glasses. None of the fragments seemed to have peirced her skin, so I don't think dad was throwing them at her, maybe she walked in while he was angry or something. But that's not the point, the point is is he never came back. 

After my soup I switch on the television and start flicking through channels until I find the big bang theory, I don't watch it regularly or anything, but it is pretty funny.

Just as the penny starts singing "soft kitty, warm kitty" my phone buzzes beside me. I open the message without reading who sent it.

Bored? Wanna meet up? 

I glance at the sender and my eyes widen with shock, Josh Clarke. What the hell is he doing? Does he really think I'd hang out with him after today? 

wrong number? I reply, he was probably meant to text one of the boys in his close knitted group of 3.

It buzzes again,

It seems so, but that doesn't mean I don't wanna hang out wiv u. meet at McDs?

His grammar is awful, I mean seriously, wiv? 

*want to *with *you *McDonalds, and no thank you, I'm having fun right where I am.

I am having fun, nobody could tear me away from The big bang theory when I actually watch it. Which isn't often... who am I kidding? I need to get out, but with Josh? There is no chance of that happening.

I really don't care about grammar love, and really? fun? You're probably sitting at home watching how I met your mother or some crap like that.

Clearly he does care about grammar as suddenly all the grammar is correct? right...

The big bang theory actually. And it's not crap, and yeah it is fun. 

It really isn't. And by the way, you've blown your Chance of hanging out now, maybe tomorrow? 

Sure, whatever.

Wait, what? Did I just agree to hanging out with him? 


Well thats chapter 6, (if your still confused about the dropping a chapter thing see the A/N on the previous chapter)

I don't think it's all that great, it's more of a filler, but I wanted  to update before I went on holiday so here it is :) Who else is waiting for that party to happen? It shall be soon :)


Ellie :*

(P.s. the picture above/to the side is one of my photographs, unfortunately not my best as it was taken on my phone, but nether the less, I wanted to post one because I'm obsessed with photography so....)

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