Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

    Not more than fifteen minutes after Zach stormed out of my house, Kent came back for me. He was panting and few leaves were sticking on his clothes. He must’ve hid behind the bushes in the neighborhood to wait for Zach and Aunt Abby to leave. 

    “Did you hear?” I only managed to ask him.

    He nodded and just smile. “Go to sleep and rest. I’ll also be getting ready to sleep.”

   I had almost forgotten that Kent has to spend his first night in my house with me. My mind flashed me things that caused me to feel embarrassed towards myself and him. When did I ever become like this? “You’re really taking my mom’s words seriously aren’t you?”

“Someone here obviously needs a protector, I can’t just let you get hurt over and over again.”

“You’re so sweet,” I brushed his hair and went upstairs to take a bath and change into my sleepwear. My hair was tied into a bun but few curly strands of my hair fell beside my face. I tucked them behind my ears. Before I go downstairs, I examined myself in my full length mirror. I look like a toothpick. The cut in my cheek was visible again so I went to my first-aid cabinet to apply some Band-Aid cream to it. Tipping my head backwards, I’ve decided not to meet Kent downstairs not because of what I look like right now but because of how useless I suddenly feel whenever I get into trouble. He will always be getting hurt when I’m in trouble. It’s really unfair.

“Knock knock!” I heard some tapping on my door at the same time Kent said “knock knock.” “May I come in?”

Slipping on my bedroom slippers, I walked to the door and turned the knob to find Kent dressed in a sleeveless shirt and sweatpants. “Nice suit!”

“Cute you,” he countered.

“Touche,” I chuckled. “So, what brings you here?”

“Checking if you’re already sleeping,”

“So you can—” I didn’t finish my sentence because the joke might be green.

“If you let me,” he laughed. I punched his arm but ended up hurting my own knuckles.

“Screw that muscular arm,” I muttered, jokingly. “Alright, I’ll sleep. See you in my dreams!” I kissed him good night on his cheek.

He kissed me good night on the lips which suddenly made my legs feel all wobbly. “Night, Carther!” He opened the door and went out. I guess he’ll be sleeping in the living room. Kent really knows what to do.

A lot of weeks had passed and few more days will be prom. Zach appeared once in a blue moon which means I only saw him once for the past few weeks. Kent’s friends have finally taken notice that Kent and I are dating and that we’re already together. They respect me and I respect them too not that they never respected me. Let’s say they’re treating me as if I’m really special since they say that Kent was a hard to please guy. They told me whenever a cute girl asks Kent out on a date he would just decline her offer. 

Fritzie Filson also has taken notice that we’re officially a couple. She and her gang didn’t change though. She was still being bitchy towards me. One time, she even told me she would steal Kent away from me. She said Kent just pitied me. And I ignored that because I knew what was really happening between the both of us. Kent promised me he would never leave me and I knew he won’t ever break that promise. 

Bree still has been spending time with me but not that always, well, because of Kent. Bree sometimes pick on Kent. She would tease him by taking me away from him whenever he asks me to accompany him somewhere. During Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Bree and I always hang out in Quench n’ Munch Deli. That place has been growing on me now. I’d bring my laptop with me and do my homeworks there. Bree implemented a law among Kent, me and her that there will be a “Strictly No Kent Allowed” when we’re in Quench n’ Munch Deli. Honestly, I hated that law and I violated it a lot of times by texting him. It’s the safest way. 

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