Chapter 15

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when everyone on the land seems to have found their happy place,
i am the thing that gets lost in the waves of the pacific ocean

yet somehow, when i let myself go with the flow; i find such unforseen solace

months came
and months went,
i'm way too far now to go back
that even the waves can't bring me back to the shore

there is no single soul i can tell
of the loneliness of this journey,
of the coldness of the nights,
the fearsome storms
i've come across with
and the monsters that might
swallow me completely

and i realized that's what
i'm most afraid of--

that i would be gone
and not a single soul
would remember i was there;
where the flowers bloomed,
the nightsky sparkled,
and the morning sun smiled

and suddenly i perceive
how i had been so wrong;
if you want to find yourself
in the middle of a non ending labyrinth,
you swim against the waves
you battle against the monsters

because there is no stronger person than you are when you're lost.
Jo Hyun Joo

Chapter 15
Enjoy The Fall

I woke up again before Hongseok but this time, I couldn't bring myself to get up yet. I just stayed there beside him, tucked under the warm blankets and I watched him sleep for a while. How he looked so peaceful, how I love even the sound of his breathing, how I can't believe I'm waking up in the morning next to a beautiful boy. And then realizing, I might be creepy, I looked away and turned the other way.

I felt his arms slide around my waist and then he pulled me towards him. "Morning," he mumbled against the fabric of my shirt. I smiled and turned around to face him. "Good morning." I said, unable to help myself from blushing.

He smiled sleepily, not managing to open his eyes fully yet. "Now that was the nicest sleep. Beats the one in Sorin's guestroom." he said.

It's freaking cold so I got up to make some warm coffee but Hongseok pulled me back. "What theㅡ"

"Stay for a while." he said.

I slowly pulled my dress down because it exposed too much skin. He smirked, "Too late."

My cheeks heated up even more. "Sssh." I slid back under the blanket so even if my dress goes up, I'd be covered.

"You're so cute." he muttered, scooting towards me real close. Our noses touched on small movements. His morning voice is the most adorable thing in the world, have I said that?

"You know, I usually wake up at ten when I'm home. Strangely, I've been waking up early lately."

He chuckled and rubbed the tip of his nose against mine. "There you are again. Avoiding compliment."

I smiled. "Want coffee?"


"I should get up."


"That was not a question."

He ignored this and asked, "Have you ever tried bungee jumping, Hyunjoo?"

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