Chapter 4

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Kaneki's POV

"AHHHH!", I cracked opened my eyes, stared at the ceiling, sweat dripping from my forehead.

"What the hell is that? Nightmares? Memories?", I said as I put my hand on my head.

"Solitary confinement, 993 and.....
Jason?", I mumbled. "Why are these things popping out of my brain?"

I got up from my bed, struggled to walk normally after that nightmare I supposed. I looked at the clock. It's 3am.

I went downstairs, tried to make a cup of coffee. As I walked down the hallway, I noticed Touka's room still have lights on.

"Still doing homework, I guess."

I grabbed two cups, took the coffee powder from the shelve and started making coffee.

I sat down at the counter, started to drink mine. My hands are still trembling from the nightmare.

"Something bad really happen to me in the past.", I mumbled.

I finished mine, washed the cup and picked up Touka's coffee to her room.

*Knock Knock*

"Touka-chan....Touka-chan...", I said.

"Why she's not answering? Asleep? Then why the lights are still on? Should I go in? Probably not, she'll kill me.", I stood outside her door, kept questioning myself.

"*Deep inhale* Screw it, I'm in.", I twisted the door knob and entered her room.

"Wow, what a cozy place, definitely better than mine.", as I walked past her bedroom, she just slept head first on the table with all of her homework.

I put the coffee aside, stared at her, don't know what to do. I went to her bed, lifted the blanket aside. As I gently picked her up, I looked at her face.

"Whoa, she's actually quite attractive. Why she's always so grumpy?", I sighed as I laid her gently on the bed. "Sweet dreams...", I mumbled as I looked at her beautiful face.

I got up, cover the blanket on her body and went out. As I went out, I took a glance at her homework. I picked up a piece of paper.

"'s mathematics. Let's try to do it.", I closed her bedroom door, went outside to the living room. I sat on the couch and started doing those questions.

Touka's POV

I felt that there are bright lights shined on my face. I slowly opened my eyes, I realized I'm on my bed. I looked at the clock. It's 8am.

"Why I'm here? Isn't I supposed at the table?", I said in my mind.

I got up, stretched my body and went towards my table.

"Huh? Someone's already clean up my table. That's weird.", I mumbled as I opened my door and went to the living room.

After I went out, I noticed someone is sleeping on the couch. As I approached him, the white-haired man is sleeping soundly.

"Wait a minute, that's Kaneki! Why he's here?", I questioned myself. As I want to yell him awake, I saw my homework is scattered across the table. He slept with my literature textbook on his hand.

I picked up the paper, I surprised he finished all those math question that bothered me for a whole night.

"For a guy out of nowhere, he's really good at this.", I mumbled.

"Well it's time. *clear throat* KANEKI!!!!", I yelled at him.

He immediately jolted out of the couch, fell onto the floor and looked at me in fear, like he's meet with the grim reaper. His face slowly turned pale, almost like the colour of his hair.

"Why you're here?", I asked him while I crossed my arm.

"Emm...I....I....saw your room still brightly lighten last night. So.....I decided to make you a cup of coffee, thought you're not sleep yet.", he said timidly.

"So you carry me to my bed? Isn't it?", I asked.

"Y-yes", he replied, not dare to have eye contact with me.

"And you finished all of these?", I picked up the paper and showed to him.


"That's impressive. Thank you for that.", I sighed.

"Huh?", he put his head up and stared at me with confusion.

"These questions had bothered me for the whole night.", I said.

"Well...I can teach you how to do it. I'm surprise that I know how to do it.", he said.

"Probably later....and you understand these literature?"

"'s quite easy for me to understand. I'm think that I must me a nerd before I lost my memories.", he chuckled as he slowly relief himself.

"Yeah, it's must be. Oh there's one thing I need to tell you.", I said.

"What is it, Touka-chan?", he said with a light smile on his face.


He quickly stood up, took the cup with him and went out of the door. Before he leave, he turned back and said "Bye Touka-chan!"

I sighed after that, I took a look at the paper.

"Damn he's a genius....", I mumbled.

Kaneki's POV

I went outside the door, walked down the hallway. My mind just remind me of her beautiful face, even though she's angry, she still attractive.

"I like her...Kirishima Touka, I'm in love with you.", I said in my mind.

Unexpected (Tokyo Ghoul Touken Fanfic) [*Completed*]Where stories live. Discover now