Chapter 6

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Kaneki's POV

I lied on my bed, rethink about the words that Tsukiyama said.

"They'll come with no mercy.", his words echoing inside my mind.

"I have to become stronger....or else I lose...", I said in my mind. I continued to roll on the bed, force myself to sleep.

I got up, went up to the roof. I found a place the sat down. I stared at the sky, stars are shining, planes are flying. Looked towards the city, although it's almost midnight, traffic seems haven't change a bit but this place is like a ghost town after midnight. I stared blankly at the distance until......

Boom! Arrrggghhh!!!

A loud voice and groaned came from Touka's room, almost make me fell off the roof. I released my kagune, hanging upside down (Spiderman style XD) outside the open window located at her room.

The violet-haired girl sat right at her desk, doing her homework. I let out a little smirk. It's quite an enjoyment watching her battling with her homework.

I felt a little dizzy after spending a long period of time upside down. I accidentally slipped and hit the wall.
Touka spend no time whipped her head back and threw a pen at me. I swiftly caught in but my kagune lose grip and fell 2-story to the ground.

"OH SHIT!!! AHHHHHHH!!! OUCH!!!", I slammed to the ground, groaned in pain.

"YOU PERVERT!!! GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!", she placed her head out of the window and yelled.

"Hey....Touka-chan, it's me....", I lied on the ground, weakly said.

"Huh? Kaneki!?", she yelled in surprise.

I got up, swiped away the dust and dirt and using my kagune to climb into her room.

"Ouch! That hurts.....", I said as I lied on the floor.

She just stood right there, using her deadly glare at me.

"Why you're here....?", she coldly asked.

"Just now I'm at the roof enjoying the view and I heard a loud voice coming from your room so.....I decided to have a look then this happen.....", I said.

"Oh really......pervert...", she teased me.

"Seriously....yeah, so why's the groaning?", I said

"Nothing, just some math question bothering me.", she replied.

"Let me see, maybe I know how to do it.", I got up, went to her desk and looked at the question.

"Fine....", she reluctantly said.

"Emm....I think I know how to it."

"Huh seriously, that fast...", she said surprisingly.

"Come here, so this is how you do it....", I sat down with Touka and thought her patiently.

--Few minutes later--

"Taa Daa~ There you have it. Understand?"

"'re a genius....", she said in surprise.

"It's nothing...", I awkwardly scratched the back of my head.

"How about this...and this and .... maybe this?", she asked.

"Okay...let's have a look."

--An hour later--

"Yay! Finally finish these things!", she said.

"*yawn*...Worth a celebration, huh?", I said.

"Eh? Aren't you have to work tomorrow? It's already 1am.", she said.

Unexpected (Tokyo Ghoul Touken Fanfic) [*Completed*]Where stories live. Discover now