Chapter 7

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Kaneki's POV

"Welcome to Anteiku!", I greeted the customer.

"A cup of latte, please.", the customer said.

As time moves on, I really enjoyed my time working at Anteiku. Although I'm still can't remember anything, but this place felt like home to me.

"Stop daydreaming Kaneki-kun, bring this latte to that customer.", Koma said.

"Oh I'm sorry.", I said.

"Emm...Koma-san, where's Touka-chan?", I asked Koma.

"She went to the library with her friend.", he replied.


--Night time--

Anteiku closed as the last customer leave the store.

"Today is so tiring!", I said as I put my head on the counter.

"Get some rest, Kaneki-kun. Tomorrow maybe busy as well.", Irimi said.

"We're leaving, take care the rest okay?", Koma said.

"Yes I will. Bye.", I said.

"Bye, Kaneki-kun.", they both said.

I went back to my room to change into my casual outfit. I grabbed the textbook that Touka left in my room and went out to the cafe.

I brought in the sign, looked at the empty street. I sighed then walked back to the cafe.

"It's already late...why she's not return.", I mumbled.

I started to read the literature textbook, slowly sipping my coffee. But I can't concentrate, my mind just kept thinking about her safety.

"Why I'm thinking about this? She obviously can protect herself.... *sigh*", I mumbled.

As hours past, I finished my coffee and the textbook. I washed the cup and put it back to where it belong.

I sat down, stared at the window and suddenly......


Someone opened the door and I noticed is Touka.

"You're finally ba....WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU!", I was shocked to see her body is covered in blood, she's badly injured.

I ran towards her as she fell into my arms. Her face was pale and her body was weak.


"Doves.....I couldn't escape fast enough....but they're dead anyways....", she weakly said.

"Stay put, I'm going to get some bandages.", I put her down gently and went to find the first aid kit.

She sat leaned against the wall, groaned in pain, her hand just kept pressed against her wound.

"I'm going to put bandages to your wound, so.......can you...?", I said as she removed her hand from her wound.

"Oh crap....your wound is not healing...when is the last time you eat?", I said.

"About a weeks ago.....I'm going to eat something....", she said as she tried to get up but failed because of the pain.

"You can't go out in this condition!", I said. "*sigh* this."

I rolled up my sleeves, exposed my arm to her

"Huh.....?", she confusingly looked at me.

"I said eat my arm. Don't worry, I'll heal.", I said.

Unexpected (Tokyo Ghoul Touken Fanfic) [*Completed*]Where stories live. Discover now