Chapter 13

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Touka's POV

"KANEKI!", I quickly opened my eyes, panting for air. I looked around, realized I'm at my room. I tried to get down from my bed, I noticed my body is covered by bandages, from my arms till my torso. I exited my room, walked downstairs and saw all the staff entered the guest room.

"Onee-chan!", Hinami looked at me in concern, ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm okay, Hinami-chan.", I said as I caressed her hair. I grabbed her hand and walked towards the peoples.

"What happen?", I asked.

"The manager decided to have a meeting regarding what happen last night.", Koma replied.


I entered the guest room, saw Tsukiyama and Nishiki were covered in bandages. I sat down on the couch with Hinami leaned against my couch. All of the people entered at room after that.

"So....I believe all of you know what happen last night, regarding Kaneki-kun.", the manager said.

"Wait....He hasn't return yet?", I said.

"Unfortunately yes....Tsukiyama, any information about him?", he said.

"Yes, my informant said to me that......Kirishima-san, Kaneki did fought bravely....he managed to kill all of them but......He was badly wounded and......", he said.

"And what! Shittyama!", I yelled as I stood up while Hinami pulled my hand.

"And.....He was captured back to the 23rd ward.", he said.

I widened my eyes after I heard that. Many thought goes though my mind

"Did he just get captured....?"

"Will he ever come back....?"

"Will I ever see him again....?"

"Kirishima, I know it is hard for you to process these information, but have faith that Kaneki will return.", Nishiki said.

"No....I'm sorry to said that it is impossible for anyone to escape that base.", Tsukiyama said.

"Then how he escape in the first place!", Nishiki frowned.

"He escape before he entered the base!", Tsukiyama said.

"I'm going to get him back, even I have to go alone.", I got up and walked towards the door, but Yomo blocked my way out.

"Kirishima-san, there's no one ever make into that base and come out alive.", Tsukiyama said.

"That base is covered by RC detector all around, a 5 square miles no fly zone, sentry guards patrol 24/7 that have enough firepower to kill us even before we near the base. Even Aogiri Tree attempt to break into that base failed for three times. Even you manage to get inside undetected, you won't leave there with Kaneki alive."

"So you mean that, I can't get in and he can't get out......right?", I said as I clenched my fist.


I pushed Yomo out of my way and ran back towards my room.

"Onee-chan!", I heard Hinami yelled at the distance.

I entered my room and slammed the door, I curled up my body at my bed, slowly sobbed since I can't accept that I've already lost Kaneki.

*Knock knock*

"Can I come in?", a voice said. I remained silence as the door slowly opened, he's Nishiki.

"Why do you come here? Go away....!", I frowned.

He remained silence as he put a bag on my desk, opened it up and brought out two white porcelain cup and placed them beside me. I took one and have a look.

"Kirishima Touka"

My name is written on the side of the cup. I quickly grabbed the other one and looked at it.

"Kaneki Ken"

Tears slowly formed around my eyes and started to roll down my cheek.

"What is this?", I said.

"*sigh* Kaneki know I have a friend who make these kinds of stuff so he ask me a favor for a pair of custom made cups.", he said as he brought out a thermos flask and pour out some coffee into one of the cup.

"Looks like he forgot to bring this on your date. This is probably the last cup of coffee Kaneki make, so......take your time...", he said as he got up and went outside my room.

"Oh wait, Kaneki told me to give this to you if shit things happen.", he said as he gave me a letter. He placed it on the side of my bed and walked out.

"Oi...!", I said.


"Thank you.....", I said as I gave him a faint smile.

I took a sip of the coffee, let out a little laugh.

"Still taste like the only Kaneki can make.", I mumbled. I proceeded to finish the rest of the coffee. I put the cup aside and laid down on my bed. The letter caught the corner of my eye, I opened the letter and started reading it.

Dear Touka-chan,

If you're reading this, that's mean I'm probably get captured or get killed. I know this is a hard time for you as I'm not by your side at this moment. I know that I broke the promise that I'll by your side till the end of time. I'm apologize for abandoning you, leaving you alone for all of this. I know this is not the right moment to talk about this but your exam is closing. I'm very hope that all the nights we spend together studying won't go down in flames. Touka-chan....make me proud of you.


Tears started to uncontrollably roll down my face, staining the letter. I covered my mouth, hugged the letter, quietly sobbed on my bed.

"Kaneki.....still a I'm going to do well in this moment....", I mumbled.

"Fine, I won't let you down....", I took another look on the letter and got up from my bed and sat in front on my desk to revise for my upcoming exam.

"Kaneki...I'll make you proud of me."

Unexpected (Tokyo Ghoul Touken Fanfic) [*Completed*]Where stories live. Discover now