Chapter 11

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--Months later--

Kaneki's POV

"Ahhhh....finally today is over.", I said as I stretched my back.

"You doing better than ever, no cups were broken today....", Koma said as I awkwardly scratched the back of my head.

"I'm back~", the purple-haired ghoul entered the cafe, grabbed a piece of paper in her hands, said in excitement.

"Why so happy about?", I said as I cleaned up the floor.

"Look at it!", she said as she passed me a piece of paper. "Results for trial exam."

I looked at the results, she got decent marks on every subject, especially her math and literature subject.

"Whoa, you improve a lot, Touka-chan. Congratulation.", I said. "'ll be doing well in the official exam two months later."

"Thank to you, Kaneki.", she looked at me in the eyes and said. She walked towards me and hugged me tightly. "Thank you Kaneki, thank you so much...."

"I just doing my job as your boyfriend....", I said as I caress her hair and a smile appeared on my face.

"Hey....Both of you, find a place will you?", Nishiki frowned at us and said in a despise tone.

"Glad you said...Nishio-senpai.", I said as I quickly picked her up in bridal style and walked towards her room. Nishiki literally facepalm, shook his head and continued cleaning.

"Oi Kaneki, what you're doing. Kaneki!", she struggled to free herself from my arms.

I walked towards her room with her in my arms. I put her on the couch, walked to the kitchen area and make two cups of coffee.

"There you have it...", I said as I passed her a cup of coffee.

"Thank you.", she took a sip of it, let out a little smirk. "You have improve..."

"Really...!", I said in satisfaction. I sat down beside her, hugged her as our face squeezed together. She pushed me away with all her strength, I fell onto the floor, she frowned at me, gave me a death stare.

"Touka-chan, can I ask you a question?", I said.

"What...?", she said impatiently.

"Want to go for a date, tomorrow?", I asked.

"Huh?! Why?", she surprisingly looked at me.

"Since we're together for months and.....we haven't have the time to go for a date.", I said as I sat on the floor.

"*sigh* Fine...where are we going..?", she asked.

"Secret...", I stood up, walked towards her and whispered at her ears.

"Bakaneki.... Want to surprise me....", she smirked at me as she entered her room. "Don't follow me, go back to your room."

"Touka-chan~", I protested as I want to enter her room.

"Goodnight....pervert...", she gave me a grin while slowly closing her door. I sighed as I exited her room and walked back to my room.

--Next Morning--

I cracked opened my eyes while the sunlight shined in my face. I rubbed my eyes, stretched my body as I let out a yawn. I got up, looked at the clock, it's already 10 o'clock, so I still have a few hours before my date with Touka. I cleaned myself, get changed and walked out to the cafe area.

"Good morning, Kaneki-kun.", Koma said as he's making a cup of coffee for me.

"Oh good morning, Koma-san...", I said as I took the cup and started drank it at the counter.

Unexpected (Tokyo Ghoul Touken Fanfic) [*Completed*]Where stories live. Discover now