Chapter 9

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Touka's POV

I opened my eyes, the white-haired half ghoul is sleeping beside me with his arm wrapped around my waist. I slowly turned my body towards him, carefully not to wake him up. My face is just inches away from him. I looked at him, his white hair covered half of his eyes, which make him quite attractive. I smiled at him as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morning~ beautiful....", he said as he planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Morning~ Did I wake you up?", I asked.

"No actually....", he replied with a smile. "'re almost late to school...."

"WHAT! WHAT TIME IS IT?!", I yelled as I jumped out of my bed.

" almost 7 o'clock...", he said.

"Damnit Kaneki!", I frowned at him as I quickly grabbed my school uniform and barged into the bathroom. I came out soon and he still lying on my bed, looking at me.

"Kaneki! Don't just lied there, help me!", I yelled at him.

"All done.", he said as he pointed at the bag at the floor. I quickly grabbed my bag and leave my room, leaving him alone.

"Bye! Touka-chan!", he yelled as I closed my door. I ran downstairs, exited the staff room. I noticed Nishiki have a grin across his face.

"Don't talk anything! Four eyes.", I gave him a death glare and I exited Anteiku.

Kaneki's POV

"I just left alone by my girlfriend.... *sigh*.", I mumbled and smiled a little. I got up from her bed, walked around her bedroom. Her bookshelf is filled with reference book, her desk is also packed with book. I took some time, clearing her desk. Then I noticed her literature textbook is on her desk.

"Aren't she has literature class today?", I mumbled. "Oh shit...." I exited her room, ran into the cafe.

"Did anyone see Touka-chan?", I asked.

"Oh she already left few minutes ago.", Irimi said. "Why?"

"She forgot her textbook.", I said.

"Ooooooo.....Kaneki....", Nishiki teased me.

"Senpai!", I protested as I ran back to my room, changed into some casual outfits, grabbed the book and leave the cafe. I ran as fast as I could, avoid crashing into people on the street. I took a shortcut which leaded me to her high school. I come out from the alley, looking left and right. I noticed the purple-haired ghoul is walking with her friend across the street.

"TOUKA-CHAN!", I yelled across the street. She looked at me in confusion, I showed her the book as I walked towards her.

"You forget your book....", I said as I'm grasping for air.

"Oh....Thank you Kaneki.", she took the book from me.

"Ohhhhh......Touka-chan......", her friend started to squeal.

"Yoriko....!", she said as her face started to blush.

"You're blushing, Touka-chan! Hey you! If you make her sad, I won't forgive you.", she said as she pointed at me.

"I won't....", I said.

"Kaneki...!", she yelled.

"You're almost late. Go.", I said as I planted a kiss on her cheek. I quickly walked away after that.

"Oi! BAKANEKI!", she yelled at him as I walked away.

"Bye!", I said as I gave her a smile.

Touka's POV

Unexpected (Tokyo Ghoul Touken Fanfic) [*Completed*]Where stories live. Discover now