Chapter 15

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*Don't play the music until I say so*

Touka's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as the sun shines bright at my eyes. I looked around, I'm at my room.

"Why......I'm here....?", I mumbled as I saw a piece of paper on my desk. I picked it up and started reading it.

Dumb sister, next time don't go out there alone, it's pretty dangerous. What if I'm not the one who saw you last night.....

You know who am I

"Ayato....", I mumbled as I crumbled the note and threw it into the dustbin. I lied back onto my bed, stared at the ceiling. I covered my eyes with my arm. Then I heard someone knock the door.


"Come in.....", I said as that door slowly opened and Hinami walked towards me. She gave me a smile and hugged me.

"What's the matter, Hinami-chan?", I said as I brushed her hair.

"Don't be sad, onee-chan....", she said.

"Okay.....I will.", I replied with a smile.

"Oh....and someone's looking for you.", she said.

"Huh? Okay I'll get down later.", I said as she leave my room. I undressed myself, get changed into my uniform and went downstairs.

I sighed as I pushed the staff room door. Then I realized someone is already sitting in the cafe where it still not in the operating hours yet. I took a look, he's no other than my little brother ---- Ayato.

"Oh hey sister! How's your rest?", he said.

"Why you're here, aren't you dislike this place? Get out...", I said.

"Come one, I brought you back last night, at least a thank you....", he said. I glared at him as the manager put a cup of coffee on the table.

"Why you still serve him?", I questioned the manager.

"We can't turn down any customers, Touka-chan...", he replied.

"So....I'll explain why I'm here....part of it is I want to have a cup of coffee that I haven't tried in years and.....the other reason is I have a friend of mine wants to come here.", he said.

"*sigh* After finish it, you get out of here immediately.", I clenched my fist and said.

"And.....He almost here...", he looked at his watch and said. The door opened immediately as the yellow bell rang. I looked at the door and said.

"Welcome to An....tie......ku......"
(Play the music now.)

As the door slowly opened, I'm just stunned as I saw the person standing at the doorway. I started to think am I dreaming.

"There's no way......", I mumbled.

He remained silence and stared at me for a while as he brushed his white hair and gave me a smile. I stared blankly at his grey-ish eyes as tears slowly rolled down my cheek.

"This isn't possible.....", I mumbled.

He stunned for a while as he shook his head and laughed a little as he slowly walked towards me. I only noticed his white hair waving in the air. He stood in front of me, opened his arms and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry Touka-chan......I'm really sorry for leaving you alone, I'm really sorry that I break the promise....", he said as I felt that my shoulder is stained by his tears.

Yes......his voice, his chest, the smell of his. Yes.....he's the real deal......I slowly come into a realisation that he's the one and only Kaneki Ken I love.....I slowly hugged back and release all my emotion I held for so long......for all the time he left me alone, all the time I spend alone in my room.....

"It's been a while.....Touka-chan.....can I have a cup of latte with a rabbit art?", he said.

I pushed him away and gave him a big slap on his face and I started to punch him on his chest and gave him one last punch on his face and cause him to fell on the table.

"That's for the payback....BAKANEKI!"

He got up and gave me a smile, he pulled me closer and our faces are just inches away. Our lips slowly met as we closed our eyes, I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped my waist with his arm. We soon parted and rested our forehead against each other.

"Welcome back......Kaneki..."

"This time I make sure I'll never leave you again.....Touka-chan."

Sorry for this unusually short chapter XD
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and the song I provided at above.

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