Chapter 14

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Levi's POV

This girl was driving me insane. She was refusing my help, which she desperately needed. She kept crying out in pain, and I had to help her. I love ___. I hate seeing her in pain. But after I revealed our mission for next week, she seemed to freak. "What is it?" I asked her. She looked at the wall and ignored me.

Sighing, I places my hand on her cheek and kissed her there. ___ blushed and pushed my face away. I smirked and handed her the pants I recently removed. She took them and demanded, "Turn away." Turning away from her, I heard her shift her body multiple ways. Half of me wanted to look at her within her pants, but the other half respected her privacy.

After a while, she finally spoke. "Hey Levi, help me put my pants on." That caught my interest and I faced her. ___ was sitting in the bed, it's pants in her hands. "Come closer to me," I demanded. She inched her way near me and I pulled her once she was in arm's length. With her in my arms, I stood up with her and placed my hands in her waist. She wrapped her arms my neck for support.

Bending down a little, I managed to get the top of the pants and pulled them up. My hands brushed against her thighs, going up. ___ muttered a simple "oww". Softly, I pulled until her pants reached her hips, my hands lightly touching her butt. My thoughts went somewhere else for awhile before I was brought to the real world again. "Hey Levi, how come I wasn't aware of the expedition?" she asked with curiosity once she was sitting properly in the bed. I sighed and rubbed my eye, because I was sleepy. "Because," I yawned and continued," Commander Erwin didn't want anyone to know." ___ was furious. "How were we supposed to train if he didn't tell us in advance?"

She kept ranting but I wasn't paying any attention. Humanity's Strongest Soldier was sleepy. Eventually after all her commotion, she noticed that I was struggling to stay awake. "You should stay in the bed and sleep." Laying down in the bed, warm from her presence, I spoke to her. "Oi ___, why don't you sleep with me?" She blushed and I smirked at her. "This is an order. Now, come sleep with me, it's late." She shook her head and rejected me. "I already slept. Making me sleep will not help since I'm already rested." I pulled her towards me and lied down with her, while she was in my arms. Carefully, I wrapped my arms around her waist. Struggling, ___ finally gave up and let me do my thing. "Go to sleep, ___." After a few minutes, her breathing calmed down and went to a rhythmically pace. "I love you and I always will," I whispered into her ear before falling asleep

___'s POV

After Levi wrapped his arms around you waist, you had to admit you felt comfortable and safe in his arms. Wanting to convince him you were asleep, you took deep breaths silently and also convinced yourself that you were safe in his arms. Suddenly you heard a whisper in your ear. "I love you and I always will." Levi confirmed it, he did love you. All you could do was blush. He loved you, and no one else. Levi could've had anyone, but he chose you. That made you feel special, knowing you were loved. 'I love you too' you thought, after a careful decision.

Making sure he was completely asleep, you slowly removed his hands from your waist. Limping your way towards the door, taking one glance at Levi to make sure he was still sleeping, you carefully placed your hand on the doorknob. Turning it slowly and gently, you managed to exit the room without making any noise. Making your way downstairs, a sort of light was on in the living room. Seeking the source, your surprise was finding Eren Jaeger. Eren Jaeger.

Spotting you, he ran to you and almost hugged you, but stopped himself from doing so, because of the cold glare you gave him. He looked at the floor and reached for your hands, holding them with his. Sighing, you let go and looked for some sort of seat, to sit on. Finding a chair nearby, you sat down and looked at Eren. "___, I'm so sorry I left you..." Grunting, you looked into his innocent eyes. "Please explain the letter you wrote to me before you left."

He looked into your eyes as well and sighed. "___, I was so stupid. All I wanted was to escape. Mikasa was my only family left and she died. I couldn't handle the information, so I left. I'm sorry for leaving you alone." His voice seemed to be breaking off, as if he was about to cry.

Hearing his point of view, your eyes softened. Instantly, you remembered why you were mad at him in the first place. "But Eren, the letter said that you loved Mikasa... She's your sister..." you whispered softly to him. With a sad mood, you couldn't think of a response he could think of.

"___, what are you talking about? I never wrote such a thing. I only saw Mikasa as family." What? No way..."You're such a liar! In the letter, you stated that you left because you wanted to see the outside world! And the only reason you left was because you loved Mikasa!" Trying to fight off the tears, you punched him in the chest. His eyebrows furrowed and he grabbed your arm before you could punch him again. "___! Stop it right now! I never wrote that I loved Mikasa! I only love you and only you."

Catching his breath, you remembered that you still had the letter. Pulling out of your breast pocket, you opened it as if it held life's answers. Scanning the letter for the part where he wrote he loved Mikasa, you found it. "See Eren?! It says right here that you loved Mikasa!" He carefully took the letter away from your hand and read it. "___, that isn't my handwriting."

Slightly gasping, you examined the letter, and sure enough, it wasn't. "That handwriting is neater than mine." Your heart pulse increased rapidly. "Eren..." you whispered, "When I went inside the room, it was sparkling clean... You know the only person who cleans like that..."

Both of you said the name at the same time. "Levi..."


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