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Mika and Yuu got back on the couch. " Say where did you hid all the blood anyways and nobody found out." " Oh um in  place that nobody can reach." 

" So um...Mika" Yuu was blushing and trying to stop from laughing. Mika had a confused face on him. " I was just thinking about what you will look like with cat ears and a tail." Mika blushed and look at the t.v. " W-well haha..funny story i actually have cat ears and a tail. Yuu eyes widen and laughed. " Really." " Uh..yes it was for halloween be right back." Mika left the room and Yuu alone. " Could he actually be putting them on.. it would be cute." Yuu started to blush and then Mika came out with cat ears and tail. " NYA." Mika ran and jumped on the couch and on top of Yuu. " See i do have them." Mika saw what is happening and saw Yuu blush. " Haha..tomato." Yuu looked at Mika and pouted. " W-well..hmm you are a.." Mika smirked. " Cant think of anthing" Mika got off of Yuu and continued watching the show about cats. Yuu was still laying down but still watching t.v. Then Akane came inside and saw Yuu and Mika. " Oh hi guys..why does Mika have cat ears and a tail." Yuu and Mika looked at each other and laughed. " Its one of my old halloween costumes." 

" Oh well anyway are you two feeling better." Yuu and Mika both nodded and everyone else came in. and sat down on the couch. " How about we watch a horror movie." Akane said and everyone nodded. 

---Time Skip---

Everyone was watching a horror movie and Yuu and Mika was sitting beside each other. A jump scare came up and scared Mika, Mika was hugging Yuu. Yuu was blushing like crazy but still held Mika and told him its not real. " I dont know how you are not scared Yuu-Chan." Mika whispered. " Well i dont know how its just not that scary." Then it was thundering and lighting. Mika held tighter on Yuu. Mika started to tear up.

Everyone fell asleep accept Mika and Yuu. " Dont worry wont be hurted again." Yuu was playing with Mika's hair while he was falling asleep. Then Yuu fell asleep. Yuu was laying down hugging Mika and Mika was beside him hugging him. 

---Time Skip---

It was morning and everyone was awake accept Mika and Yuu. " Aww so cute, i knew that this will happen they are also together." Akane said. " HEY Akane can you wake up Mika and Yuu, i have to tell all of you something." The caretaker said from the kitchen making pancakes. Akane shaked Mika and Yuu to see their eyes starting to open. " WAKE UP LOVEBIRDS." Mika and Yuu jumped. The caretaker heard and laughed. " What the heck, why did you do that for." Mika and Yuu said in sync. " The caretaker told me to wake you two up cause she has something to tell us, and everyone else is in the kitchen waiting for pancakes." Mika looked at the clock to see that its 5 in the morning. Mika poked Yuu and told him. " Yuu-Chan its fine in the morning." Yuu looked at the clock and his eyes widen. Then Mika and Yuu got up and went to the kitchen and sat down with the others. The caretaker finished the pancakes and gave everyone pancakes and told them the big surprise. " Ok guys i have to tell you guys something. I signed you guys up for Seraph School. It will begin at 8 and end at 3, so Mika. Yuu i trust you guys to safely bring them home cause you two are the oldest." Mika and Yuu nodded still eating the pancakes. " So you guys dont have to wear uniforms but you guys have to get ready at 7:00 and leave at 7:30." Then the caretaker left the kitchen and went into her room. " Im so happy, i like school." Akane finished her pancakes and putting it in the sink. Slowly after everyone finished and put their plates in the sink. Everyone was in their room doing random things. Mika went and flopped on his bed. Yuu sat beside him. " I havent went to school in a long time, but it was a different school and that was before...anyways are you happy about going to school." Yuu looked at Mika holding his knees and frowning at the floor. " Mika are you ok."

" No, last time i went to school i got bullied because i looked like a girl and came with brusies." Mika starts tearing up. Yuu got closer and hugged Mika. " Well, yes but who says that will happen again. and which school was it anyway." Yuu wiped Mika's tears. " The same one that we are going to." 

" Well who says that they are still their and what did they do to you anyways." " Well they called me a girl and picked on me and sometimes at reccess they will pick me up by the shirt and look at my back to see if their was more cuts and then they will....k-k-kick me in the stomach and just do mean things and judged me for..things." Yuu was shocked and moved places. Yuu was sitting up and having Mika cry in his chest. 



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