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Sari's POV
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No...No!...NO! Bee wasn't a...A-a decepticon! No!
"Bee!? What happend to you!?" I yelled/asked.
He growled "the names stinger not 'Bee' fleshbag!" He sneered.
I gasped.Bee would never do this!.....Right?

Primes POV
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"Bumblebee!? You joined the decepticons?" I asked. " The names STINGER! and yes I joined them" he snarled."No Bee...Megatron's controlling you!" I yelled.
Bumblebee laughed "Lord Megatron is not controlling me fool I'm controlling myself! I chose to do this!" He yelled.
"Why?" Asked Prowl.
"Megatron said he cared where you guys didn't.Megtron said I could join.Megatron said I could get sweet,Savouring revenge!" He yelled.
"Revenge for what!?" Yelled/ asked Sari.
"For calling me tiny,small,irritating,Irresponsible,Annoying,Unwanted,Little kid and not being cared for by the ones I care for most!" His voice processor Cracked.
We all looked down."I...we are truly sorry Bumblebee" I said.

"It's to late for sorry!"He yelled.He took out his stingers.
"Decepticons! ATTACK!" yelled megatron.
Blitzwing tackled prowl,Lugnut had a wrestling match against Bulkhead,Ratchet was protecting Sari and her key from blackarachnia and Bumblebe- uh stinger came to fight...me! "Why hello bossbot~" he said.He shot his stingers at me.The white electricity barely missed me. He kicked me in the face plate making me drop my axe.
He kicked me in the stomach making me hunch forward,Holding my stomach.He swung a punch at me.I dodged swiftly.He swung at me again.I dodged barely.He growled
"Fight me you coward! " he yelled."I can't fight you Bumblebee!" I yelled."MY NAMES NOT BUMBLEBEE! MY NAME IS STINGER!BUMBLEBEE DIED A LONG TIME AGO!" He snarled and threw a punch at me.I grabbed his stinger and threw him on the ground.He groaned and stood up.I grabbed him by the neck cables."Megatron doesn't care!he's just fooling you so you can kill us! We care more than you could ever imagine! We were just teasing you! I'm sorry we're sorry! Now stop being a jackaft! We are your family,your friends! You belong with us! Not them!" I yelled at him.He stared wide opticed at me.
"I wish I could believe you"
he said and kicked me in the chestplate,did a back flip and landed perfectly on his pedes.
I gasped.D-did we really lose our youngest member?.He grinned and ran at me again.
Sari ran out of nowhere and stood infront of me,crying waterfalls."BEE STOP!" she yelled.
He stopped."Bee...I'm your best friend! Why would we betray you?" She asked softly.
"B-because you don't care " He said."Yes we do...don't you see? Megatron's using you! We care bumblebee! We just wanted to have some fun...we truly are sorry...And we'll fight to the pits to win your trust back if we have to! That's how much we care!" She said.
"Stop this! You belong with the autobots! Not the Decepticons! Please come back! I'm begging you! Come back...please...come...back...to us....to me" she pleaded,crying more.
"I-I......do you really c-care?" He asked her.

"Yes we do Bee" she replied.Bee looked to the decepticons and then to the autobots.
His optics flickered Blue,Red,Blue,Red then his optics stayed red.
"Y-your Lying!" He yelled."No Bee we do! stop This nonsense! You destroyed our city! Our home!" She scolded him.His optics flickered to blue."S-sari?" He asked.
"Bee! Please come back to us! " I yelled. He smiled and walked towards us.
Megatron growled and grabbed bumblebee's waist from behind.
"You are a decepticon! Grr looks like you'll need a bigger dose to stay decepticon!" He snarled.Bee struggled to get free from Megatron's grip."Let me go!" He yelled.
"No your a decepticon you come with us" Megatron spat."Release bumblebee!" Yelled ratchet.

"Stinger! The autobots are fooling you! Don't trust them! They broke your spark remember?" Asked Blackarachnia."Yeah...they did...." Bumblebee said as his optics flickered to red."No! BUMBLEBEE!" yelled Sari.Prowl held her back.
"We will fight again And next time we'll win!" Yelled Megatron as they flew away,Bee in Megatron's arms.

We have to get bumblebee back...We can't lose him.......
We just can't...

Good? I suck with fight scenes! XD sorry! I'll try and do better next time!
Anyway Boi!


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