1.9K 37 14

(Watch the video above...please)

I made my way back to base.
I really hope this is the cure...
If it isn't I don't know what I'm going to do.....
I arrive at base

I rush in ,  cure in hand.
" Hey prowl what's the rush?" I hear Optimus ask behind me.
I don't care
I don't care
Don't stop
I have to help Bee

Wait...why do I care so much?
Why is this bothering me so much?
Bumblebee is just a scrapling who doesn't know any better...
I shouldn't care so much

But I do.

As I enter the med bay I see Ratchet standing next to Bee. Bee is...just laying on a berth ,  about a thousand tubes and machines stuck into him.
It's a horrible sight.
It's a sight I definitly do not want to see again.

"Ratchet! I think I have the cure!"
"What!? Where did you find that!?
" It doesn't really matter does it?"
"No I suppose not. Just get it over here!"
I bring the cure to Ratchet.

He gently takes it in his servos.
" Do you know how to cure him?"
"I....of course I do....I think"
"think? Ratchet we need you to know"
"Yeah yeah just leave so I can get started" He grumbled. I sighed and looked at Bee and walked out.

I go sit on the 'couch' with my face in my servos.
"Prowl? Are you alright?"
Sari? How did I not realize her climbing up and sitting on my knee?
Wow I'm a bad ninja.
"I'm fine" I mumble.
She frowns and pouts
"Don't lie to me , prowlie"
I glare at her
She nervously laughs
"I'm fine...really"
"Is it Bee?"
"Bee is going to be alright now that we have the cu-"
" We don't know if it's going to work!"
I cut her off.
" it 's going to work"
"We don't know that for sure"
She sighs and puts her hand on my servo
" I know it's going to work" she says with determination in her eyes and hugs my digit ( cybertronian fingers)

I chuckle an rub her head with my other digit.
Ratchet enters the room.
I put Sari on my shoulder and jump up.
" Is he going to be alright?" Bulkhead asks



Oh and sorry it's short....

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