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Bumblebee's POV
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I was talking and making jokes with Blitzwing and Lugnut.At the end I made a joke that ended with a blushing Lugnut and a laughing blitzwing.I was snickering myself.
He growled and walked away.Me and Blitzwing mocked him as he walked away.
"Hey Blitzbrain " I said."Vhat?" He asked."Ya know I used to hate you bit now your my fav decepticon!"I said."zame! You remind me of zunflovers! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"Blitzwing random laughed.I shook my helm,smiling."STARSCREAM!" We heard a annoyed Megatron yell.We laughed.
Maybe my home is with the decepticons after all...
Blitzwing gasped."Hey Ztinger we zhould go prank Lugnut and Ztarzcream!" He said.
"YES!" I yelled.We sneaked over to Lugnut while he was taking a stasis nap and put makeup and a wig on him and spray painted 'kiss me Bucket-head ' on his Chassis .
We laughed silently.We sneaked over to Starscream who was also in a stasis nap and changed his vocal prossesor so when he talks he can only meow like a cat and put him in Megatron's room...on top of him. Me and Blitzwing went back to the main room and started laughing."Zhat vas fun! But I have to go to zleep now goodnight ztinger" he said and walked to his Berth room.I was about to leave when Blackarachnia grabbed me.
"Why hello handsome~ come with me~" she said."No! Let me go! " I yelled.
She slapped her hand over my lip plates and dragged me out of there.

I kept struggling and she sighed and poisoned me.
"HELP!" I yelled as darkness consumed me...

Prowls POV
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I was on the roof meditating when I heard someone yell for help.I opened my Optics and saw Blackarachnia climbing a building not far away with bumblebee on her back!
I stood up and ran to the building I climbed the building and finally stood infront of blackarachnia."Hello ninja~" she purred."What do you want with Bumblebee?" I asked.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out~" she sang.I growled.
"Tell me!" I yelled.Wait why do I care so much for Bee?..........
"No!" She yelled back.She actevated her comm.Link "Waspinator! Come quick! There's been a change of plans! Your taking the bug and I'll handle the Ninjabot! " she yelled into her comm.Link.
She shot her webs at me.I dodged swiftly.She shot another Web and I dodged again.
I saw Waspinator flying to the building.While I was distracted she shot me with a Web, Tying me to the ground."No! " I yelled as Waspinator took her and Bee.
I actevated my comm.Link." Guys! I need back up! Now!" I yelled.
"Where are you?" Asked Prime
"On a roof of a building not to far away " I replied.
"What's the problem?" Asked Ratchet.
"It's bumblebee! Blackarachnia took him!" I yelled.
"We'll come right away" said Prime.
Now all that there is to do is wait...

Another chappie! Done for you my lovely readers!


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