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Sari's  POV
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After a while the guys came back."hey guys! Wait...where's Bee? " I asked looking for him.
"He's gone Sari we don't know where he is...we think it's about what we said to him..."
Said Prowl."What did you say?" I asked,worried.

--after they explained what they said cuz writer - chan is a lazy-aft--

"Why would you say that!?" I yelled."I...don't know" replied Prime.
"We need to go search for him!" I yelled.Prime nodded." I'll try to call him" I said and took out my phone."it's useless we don't pick up Bumblebee's comm.link" said Ratchet.I sighed and put my phone away."Let's just go" Said Bulk.
"AUTOBOTS TRANSFORM AND ROLL OUT!" yelled prime.they all transformed.I rode in Ratchet.we split up into teams.Prowl,Me and Rathcet and Bulk and Prime.

--ye it's another time skip sue me--

We searched all night and didn't get him! After a while we all went home.
"What if we don't find him prime? " I asked,very worried.
"I don't know sari" he said.The alarm went off."Decepticons again "said prime.They all transformed."can I come please?"I asked."fine " sighed prime."YAY!" I jumped in the air and ran to prowl and jumped on.we all rode off...

--Ok reader-chans just kill me for making another time skip to downtown detroit--

When we arrived I jumped off of prowl.They all transformed.We saw Megatron himself!
"What do you want megatron!?" asked prime.megatron Chuckled evilly.
"Just to show off our new member" he said.wait...no...he...he wouldn't....would he?
"Come out...Stinger" said Megatron.
I can't believe what I saw next...

Yeah it's short I know.next chappie coming soon!


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