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Roman pulled at Lyra's top, nearly ripping the neck of her shirt. Her back slammed against the entrance of the front door of her house as she struggled to get a grip on the handle.

Roman twisted the knob, Lyra falling back against the cracked door as he held onto her shirt tightly, keeping her from losing her balance. Roman's lips stayed glued to Lyra's as she guided him up the staircase, tripping every few steps as she struggled to walk backwards.

It didn't help that Roman refused to stop kissing Lyra as she trailed up the stairs.

Lyra didn't want Roman to let go. Her life had been boring - mundane, until the moment she dreamed of Roman Godfrey; the mysterious boy with seemingly dark intentions.

The first time she had ever dreamt of Roman, she was terrified. The sex-filled dreams veiled with intensity she didn't believe existed. But when she actually met Roman, (realized that he was real) nearly all of her horrific apprehensions disappeared. When Lyra finally came face to face with the monster she dreamed about, she saw no monster.

Roman pushed Lyra onto the bed, the lazily made satin-like red comforter giving with the weight of her body. The color of the bedspread seemed coincidental enough, red... like blood.

Lyra gazed into Roman's light eyes, seeing the darkness of his pupils expand. He looked like a predator, hungry and irritated as he braced his palms on either side of her head, ducking down to give her a kiss. Roman's tongue swept across her tingling lips, her hands tracking through his blonde hair.

Roman pulled away, sitting up as his straddled her thighs. He pushed her shirt above her navel, his hands finding her bra, only to find she wasn't wearing one.

This was not what Roman expected from Lyra. He had imagined Lyra the one being in control. Watching her succumb to his advances as she let him assert his dominance on her body... it was the best feeling he had ever had.

Roman slid off her top, slinging it across the room in one graceful sweep. There was a sensual aspect to their ritual, unlike what they had dreamed about.

"I can't control what I do in those dreams." Lyra spoke quietly, placing her hands on Roman's face, bringing him to hers. "What I say... you know that, right?" Lyra said, planting a small peck on his pouting lips.

Roman didn't speak. He recalled what she had said in the nightmare... "Monster... I could never love you."

His brows furrowed at the thought, his jaw clenching. "It's not true. You're not a monster." Lyra whispered against his lips, feeling his breath against her pink flesh. She had heard her own voice in Roman's mind; her own voice putting him down for something he could not change.

Roman grabbed the back of Lyra's knees, pulling her further down the bed, closer to his hips. The forceful jerk was enough to startle Lyra, causing her to grab hold of Roman's shoulders.

She gazed into his eyes, watching him watch her react. He unbuttoned her dark washed jeans, never breaking eye contact as he slid them down her hips, trailing them down her legs until reaching her ankles. She kicked them aside, biting her lip as she began to pull down her white laced panties.

Roman smacked her hands away, replacing her hands with his, slowly pulling them down. His eyes were hypnotic; his daze keeping Lyra's locked with his. She was nervous, but knew that this was what her subconscious mind had been telling her to do, before she had ever met Roman Godfrey.

Roman removed his shirt, his eyes seemingly unmoved as he tossed the white shirt to the floor, next to the accumulating pile.

He was long and lean, with a mild athletic build. The muscles beneath his pale, porcelain skin were prominent in his current position; his shoulders defined, moving beneath his flesh when he began to remove his pants.

The only barrier of clothing that separated the pair now were Roman's boxer briefs. Lyra's lips pursed when seeing the outline of his member through the thin fabric. Finally, Roman's eyes looked down at himself, watching himself remove the last article of clothing.

Lyra's head went back with a moan, feeling his lips trail along her pelvis, slowly moving toward her center. As wonderful as foreplay had seemed, Lyra didn't want any of that. There was simply no need.

Lyra's hand snaked through Roman's hair, pulling his head away from her parted legs. His eyes met hers and she shook her head, with no words, she told him what she truly wanted... him.

Hovering above her, she was like a prisoner beneath his body, forced to be where she lie. She gasped when Roman slid himself inside of her, finally connected in all ways possible.

His hips mets hers in a single thrust, then another. Lyra's eyes closed, feeling nothing but pleasure that was sure to make her shatter soon.

"Look at me." Roman commanded, trailing his hand through her hair as his pace quickened.

Lyra did as told, stroking her thumbs across his cheekbones, mesmerized by the cold blank stare of his eyes. "Tell me I'm a monster." Roman demanded, grabbing Lyra's left wrist and pinning it above her head.

She cried out, lifting her legs until her knees were at his hips. "Tell me... Tell me I'm a monster." Roman growled, taking her adjacent wrist and doing the same.

Reality was much sweeter than the dreams, Roman had full control over Lyra's mind as well as her body. Lyra refused to submit. She raised her head, nipping at his neck before planting small, breathless kisses where her teeth had been. "Tell me!" Roman spoke through his teeth, his grip on her wrists tightened as his hips pounded away into hers.

Lyra shook her head, moaning loudly. Roman was beginning to lose control, he could no longer force Lyra into what he wanted, she was becoming just as she was in his dreams.

Roman released his grip on her wrists, placing his hand on her throat as he began to choke her. Lyra's unwillingness to comply had angered him to the point of losing control of everything, including himself.

Lyra's eyes were beginning to redden. Her small hands prying away at Roman's in a desperate attempt to stop him from choking her.

"N-no." Lyra managed to strain. "You're... not a... monster." Lyra said, placing her hands gently on his face, calming him with her gaze.

Roman's grip loosened, his thrusts becoming harder and faster. "I... love you." Lyra panted in his ear, without a second thought. Something had possessed her to say that - something unnatural. It was as if Lyra had been put into a trance and ordered to say it.

Roman's lips found Lyra's as she dug her nails into his skin. Her fingertips trailed down his beautifully pale skin, feeling a hot pressure in the center of her body. The bubbling hotness broke into a wave that began to radiate throughout her body, causing her to buck beneath him.

Roman's hips collapsed, his body limp as he tried catching his breath. Lyra saw the small droplets of blood tracking down his arms from the claw marks she had left on his shoulders. The wounds were small, but enough to notice.

Roman rested his forehead against Lyra's before sliding out of her body, limp and exhausted. He could not control Lyra, just like in his dreams. If anything, she could control him.

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