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Roman ran through an empty alley. The stretch of pavement glistened from the rain that continued to fall - reflecting the streetlights on the corner. He barreled into a group of people, watching them scatter; running in all different directions from his ravenous presence.

They were right to run. There was only one thing Roman wanted and that was blood - human blood. He didn't care what life he took to get it.

He caught a glimpse of a young woman stumbling to the ground in an attempt to flee; the street wet, making the pavement slick. He saw his opportunity and pounced.

Roman grabbed the woman by her hair, lifting her up off the ground in a swift motion. He pulled her head back, feeling his jaws expand in an unnatural state.

Her eyes caught his - wide and full of terror. But they were no ordinary eyes. The icy blue hue reflected back into his green ones. He noticed her button nose and the hidden dimples in her cheeks that were there when she smiled.

"Roman... please." She cried, gently placing her palm on his face. "Be strong, don't do this." She begged. Roman wanted to listen - the young woman was Lyra.

But Lyra was dead.

Roman ignored her pleas; his teeth sinking into her neck. Blood sprayed out of the wound, draining onto the already wet pavement below his feet. No matter how badly he wanted to stop his urge to taste her blood, he simply could not. Roman would be forced to kill Lyra in his dreams - despite it already being true in reality.

Roman's eyes shot open; his breathing uneven and rapid. There was a weight on his chest, perhaps his guilt as he struggled to forget the monster within himself. There was no fight - he had to forfeit to the monster he had now become.

Standing from the couch, he tried to remember how he had gotten there. Olivia was dead, he killed her. Lyra was dead, Olivia killed her. Peter was gone, Olivia had chased him away.


He remembered that he put Shelley to sleep in his bed, promising her that everything would be okay now.

Roman made his way up the staircase, apprehensive about how his sister would react now that she had slept on the events that had occurred the night before. He approached the landing, contemplating on calling her name before entering the bedroom. He decided to call for her as he pushed open the cracked door.

"Shelley?..." Roman spoke. His face fell when seeing that the bed was empty. He rushed into the room, looking in the bathroom and closet to be sure she wasn't there - she wasn't.

As Roman started toward the door again to look in other rooms, he caught a glimpse of something resting on the pillow - a note.

His chest tightened at the sight as he made his way to the piece of paper. He quickly snatched the note, eager to read whatever bullshit excuse Shelley had for abandoning him.

I love you. I'm sorry."

Typed from a computer, Shelley had written out a poor apology. Roman shook with rage, biting his tongue as he questioned his sister's motives for running. Was she scared of him now? Was he to be held responsible for his sister's actions?

Just like Peter, Shelley had abandoned him. He thought he had made things clear; everything was going to be okay now, it was just the two of them. Roman thought he had gotten his point across - Shelley was all he had left, he needed her.

Roman crumpled the paper in his hand - unsure of what to do first. He had to dispose of his mother's body before her disappearance raised suspicion - he had to go on a search to find his sister. He was dumbfounded as to why Shelley had put more stress on him than he was already under.

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