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"Fucking stupid!... so fucking stupid!" Roman yelled, pounding the steering wheel as he sped down the winding stretch of road into the night.

Ares had let him borrow his car - swearing that he would convince Lyra to abort the child. Roman just needed time, and time was not on his side.

Roman couldn't make sense of what was happening; why his world was caving in. For years, battling his own personal demons were all he could do - he dwelled on the unknown within himself, trying to piece together what made him human. As it turned out, Roman was searching for something within himself that simply wasn't there. It was a constant battle - good verses evil. Lyra had brought out the good, but she also brought out the evil. His obsession with the beautiful girl in his dreams quickly consumed his own personal struggle. Without Lyra, Roman would be forced to face himself for what he was, again. He simply could not let that happen.

The tires squealed when coming to a halt in the middle of the road. He had forgotten he was supposed to meet with Peter, and yet, there he was, in front of his trailer. He hadn't planned on discovering an accident - had it not been for the crash up ahead, he would've passed Peter's house; lost in a rage.

He put the car in park, rushing out of the cab. Roman saw his mangled jaguar in the middle of the road; glass shining on the pavement from  the one headlight that managed to survive the wreckage.

He stepped on something soft; giving with the weight of his shoe. Roman looked down, seeing that it was Peter's vest. His eyes went wide in horror - knowing that something terrible had happened. Roman looked up into the sky, seeing the outline of the moon through the clouds - it was not full.

As if in a daze, Roman walked to the wreckage in the road. The driver's side door was open wide. He saw a blood trail leading out of the car and onto the pavement; Handprints of blood trailing into the woods.

Roman followed the trail; wanting to call out for Lyra or Peter, but was unable to find his voice.

He saw Peter lying on the ground; naked. He didn't look to be breathing, but he had witnessed the same outcome under a full moon - when discovering the body of Jane Doe. Peter had turned, and when contorting back, he appeared lifeless.

Roman pressed his middle and forefinger to Peter's neck, checking for a pulse. He was alive.

When his eyes trailed away from Peter's still body, he saw something between the trees, nearly ten yards away. Roman couldn't make out what he was seeing - it looked like a pair of legs.

Roman stood from his crouched position, stepping over Peter's body, making his way toward the object. His heart raced with fear as he approached. The closer he got, the more aware he became of what he was looking at.

Lyra's body lay lifeless beneath a tree on a mound of dirt. Blood was beginning to dry around her neck; her throat had been torn open with a mess of blood on her hands and pretty face.

Roman pursed his lips, feeling his bottom lids swell with tears as he realized that the blood trail leading out of his jaguar had been Lyra's. Deep down, Roman had known who's blood it was, but he was in denial. Seeing it for himself made it all too real.

He knelt beside her, unable to hold back his cries any longer. He tucked his arm under the bend of her neck delicately, pulling her limp head into his lap. He stroked her dark hair away from her face; the encrusted blood had made the strands stick to her cheek.

Roman pressed his fingers to her neck, checking for a pulse. A gush of blood flowed out of her slightly parted lips against the pressure. But remarkably, he felt a heartbeat. "Lyra... Lyra, please." Roman said, holding her face in his hands. He pulled her into him close; her blood smearing along his lips and cheeks as he cried into the open wound of her neck. He was pressing firmly now, thinking that applying pressure would somehow revive her - stop her from dying.

He heard a faint gurgling within her throat; her larynx moving beneath her flesh, as if she were trying to say something. "Lyra?..." Roman moved his ear to Lyra's lips; his eyes wide, his brows furrowed as he concentrated on her words.

"R-Roman..." Lyra whispered; her eyes barely open. She wanted to look him in the eyes one last time. She said something - the words spoken so soft, Roman was unable to hear.

"What- tell me..." Roman tried listening as closely as he could. The sound of Lyra gargling was distracting. All Roman kept thinking was the amount of pain Lyra was in - how little time she had left; dying in his arms.

"Be... strong." Lyra managed to choke. Her voice caught in her throat; the sound of her final breath leaving her body. Roman could feel Lyra's life exit her as she went limp and heavy in his hands.

"No, no, please..." Roman held Lyra's face in his hands, gazing down at her - helpless. "Please, you can't leave me like this." Roman cradled her head; wrapping his arms tightly around her petite frame. Her blood was beginning to dry on his hands; he could taste the metallic in his mouth, from her blood on his face. "Lyra, please... wake up." Roman begged.

He knew that Lyra was gone. Roman would be forced to face himself for what he was again - a monster. He had lost everything and it was his fault. Roman's obsession with Lyra had gotten her killed; had he stayed away, she would be alive now. Roman hated himself - had he listened to Lyra and kept his distance, none of this would've happened.

Well I did it - I managed to write and post this today. Thank you guys so much for your comments and kind words. I also appreciate the votes; you guys are awesome!

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