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"Leaving the school premise in the middle of calculus?" Olivia spoke with a posh accent. Roman often questioned if his mother was faking it.

Olivia took a sip of wine, setting the glass down on the table before picking up her fork and knife, cutting into her rare steak. She smiled with her eyes, looking to Roman as she chewed.

Roman twirled his wine glass, swirling the contents of the alcoholic beverage before taking a drink.

His large green eyes wavered to his mother before speaking. "I don't see why that's any of your concern." Roman's cheeks sunk in between his molars, his eyes shifting to his plate of food that set before him.

Olivia scoffed, "None of my concern? Roman, I'm your mother. Everything you do is my concern."

"Why, because you're afraid I'll make you look bad? What I do doesn't affect the way people see you, mom. You're already good at making people hate you." Roman snapped.

"Parading around with that gypsy boy again, I'm sure. Even though I've told you to stay away from him."

"Actually, I was with someone else. Much prettier than Peter." Roman winked, stabbing a piece of steak with his fork, placing it in his mouth with a vengeful chomp.

His attention went to Shelley, watching her sit in silence as she stared down at her full plate. She had barely eaten anything.

Roman could see the sadness in his sister's demeanor, the way she barely communicated with him. Shelley had barely given him a smile in days. "Are you okay, Shelley?" Roman asked.

Shelley's head slowly raised, her exposed eye looking at him from across the table.

"She's fine, just a little tired." Olivia said, standing from the table. Her hand gently brushed Shelley's hair away from her cheek, revealing her large eye. "You should get some sleep, dear." Olivia patted Shelley's back, encouraging her do as told.

Shelley's head dropped again as she stared blankly down at the table. Without a second thought, Shelley stood from her seat, trailing out of the kitchen as her mother ordered.

"Shelley..." Roman spoke, his voice causing his little sister to turn around.

Her shoulders stayed slouched, her gaze to the floor. Roman stood from the table, catching up with Shelley. He placed his hand on her shoulder, his other in his pants pocket.

Roman waited for Shelley to look at him. Her head raised, finally giving in. "Don't let her get to you. She's taking away your shine." Roman pushed back Shelley's hair, lovingly stroking the side of her disfigured face. A small smile pulled at her lips, causing Roman to do the same. "There it is."

Shelley left the room, leaving Roman alone with his thoughts. His gaze widened when hearing the sound of meshed voices creep into his mind.

They were becoming stronger, sometimes when he was in the presence of others. It was difficult to keep them quiet, particularly when he would become overwhelmed.

He thought of Lyra, and wondered how she seemed to live a normal life. Had it not been for their dreams and her inability to be controlled by his gaze, Roman never would've guessed Lyra to be any different from anyone else.

Roman peeked into the kitchen, making sure Olivia was nowhere in sight. He licked his lips, snatching his keys off the end table before rushing out of the house.

He needed to see Peter; to talk to him about Lyra. Hemlock Grove was becoming full of monsters, and Roman was determined to stop the ones wreaking havoc. Roman needed to convince Peter that Lyra would be an asset, not a liability.

For Love of Evil - [Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove]Where stories live. Discover now