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This is the last chapter set in "current" time, I guess. The next chapter will be set "one year later." I'm ending this soon, but I really want to give you guys what you want, without plunging into a sequel, and to tie up some loose ends. I really need to clear my head of this story for a while; it has consumed my life for the past month now, haha.

Lyra had packed two suitcases; Johann had insisted that she pack light. She sat on the edge of the bed, contemplating on going to the Godfrey mansion to see Roman. Even death couldn't get rid of her feelings for the boy.

She wondered what Olivia would do, or what she would say if she showed up on her doorstep. Lyra smiled at the thought; imagining the horror on her face as she discovered that she had come back from the dead.

She wondered if Roman was still the same - or if Olivia had succeeded in turning her only son into a monster.

Lyra felt a presence enter her room. She looked over her shoulder, already knowing that Ares was standing in the doorway.

"What do you want?" Lyra asked, her hands began to tremble. She wasn't sure if it was anger or terror. She tried focusing her attention on the stitches in her neck; the physical pain was better than any emotion.

"We need to discuss some things, regarding your situation."

"You mean the situation you put me in- the situation you put Roman in?" Lyra wheeled herself around, finally facing her father. "You did this to us. You made us feel like we needed each other, and now... I'll never be allowed to see him again. Are you happy about that? Is-is that what you wanted?" Lyra was on the verge of tears; she remained strong, not knowing if a dead girl could cry.

"No, that is not what I wanted. I did not force those feelings on the two of you, I simply suggested it. Had I let nature take its course, you and I would still be right where we are."

Lyra's brows furrowed skeptically. "What are you saying?"

"That I did not force your feelings. The feelings you have for Roman, are real." Ares admitted. He stuffed hands his pockets, looking to his feet.

Lyra saw Roman in her father's mind. She saw the shock in his eyes as Ares told Roman the same thing. It was true - but why? She could feel Roman's emotions through her father's memory. She had never been able to do that before her death.

It was as though everything she had once been capable of, was now enhanced to the fullest.

She realized in that moment the real reason Johann had sent two body guards along with her - Johann knew what she was capable of; that her father's life was at stake by her hands. Lyra was now stronger than Ares.

"Our kind are forced to make decisions that impact the lives of others. Soon, you will understand what I mean. For years, your life will be nothing but a constant war with yourself about right and wrong. Our ways do not fit in with society - we have to learn to adapt." Ares spoke quietly, as if he were telling his daughter a secret.

"So it's true then... I'm a demon." Lyra scoffed at the title.

"We prefer not to use that term. Although, it is much better than an incubus... or a succubus, in your circumstance. You will have urges... it would be wise not to act on them or even entertain the thoughts. You will only be susceptible to those of your own kind and-" Ares paused.

Lyra saw Roman in her father's thoughts. She knew what he was trying to say; she would be susceptible to other monsters, not only demons. That was one of the reasons she had initially been drawn to Roman - she craved his monster. And here it was, she thought she was trying to save him from himself.

"Olivia Godfrey will pay for what she did to you - I'll be sure of it." Ares sat next to Lyra in the bed, wanting to show how much he loved her. He had never been much for showing any kind of affection, simply because he didn't know how. He took pride in his family, but didn't know how to show them that he loved them; instead, he immersed himself in his work. Making Lyra his project had been his twisted way of bonding with his daughter; whom he shared so much in common with.

Lyra could see what her father was thinking; she wondered if he was intentionally thinking those particular thoughts to manipulate her. Lyra didn't see her father in that light - she saw him a schemer; a manipulating monster who would do anything he had to, in order to get what he wanted. Even if that meant destroying his daughter's life in the process.

The realization angered Lyra - on the verge of reacting.

"I wouldn't, if I were you." Ares threatened. He knew what she was thinking.

A smile tugged at the corner of her lips; she had been right about Johann's reason to bring two men along. She could swear that Ares even insisted on it.

"You're scared of me." Lyra said. "You're scared of me, and you don't know how to cope with that." She smiled, shifting her eyes to Ares. "I could kill you right now if I wanted to... but I'm not going to. You know why?" Lyra taunted; she shut down her emotions and thoughts, just as Ares had done when he picked her up at the motel and made her sit in silence in his office at the White Tower, until Roman arrived.

"I need you to look out for Roman. I need you to keep him away from that bitch - do everything you can to take her out. And Peter-" Lyra swallowed, remembering the wolf charging into Olivia, knocking her to the ground.

Peter had turned on the wrong moon, also making him susceptible to his inner monster. In a way, he had sacrificed himself for her. "I need you to find Peter. And when you do, I need you to tell me where he is. I have to see him."

Ares pursed his lips, looking to the floor before shifting his eyes to his daughter. "You know I can't do that. You have to remain anonym-"

"If you don't find out where Peter is, I will go to Roman. I'll tell him everything- about my revival, about how you forced me to stay away from him... you know I will. It's the least you can do for me. I didn't sign up for this shit... I want to live my life as Lyra Cambion, but I don't have a choice now, thanks to you."

Lyra stood from the bed, towering over her father angrily. For the first time in her life, she was seeing that he wasn't nearly as strong as she had thought he was. His gaze trailed to his daughter - feeling his hands were tied. He licked his lips, "I'll see what I can do." Ares said. "It could take a while, maybe even months."

"Best you start looking now then, huh?" Lyra smiled, picking her suitcases up off the floor. "And one more thing- take care of mom. I don't know why, but... she loves you."

Lyra walked out of the room, leaving Ares alone in the damnation he had created for himself. She was now off to start a new life - one she didn't want to live.

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