2. Leaving?

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"Life Is So Unpredictable. Be Grateful For Every Moment" -Unknown


After a long day of school, I grab my book bag out of my locker and walk along the crowded hallway just to leave school. People pushing and shoving me, acting like I don't exist.

I sigh in relief as I approach the doors only to see it's pouring outside and I forgot my umbrella so I bite my bottom lip in frustration.

I pull my book bag over my head and walked in the rain on the sidewalk. But the book bag wasn't as effective as I had hoped for. My hair drenched in water along with my clothes, the uncomfortable feeling of my socks wet in my shoes.

I shriek as a car passed by and showered me in a puddle of water on the street and I look up to see Amber sticking her head out the back seat window laughing as she took a picture of me.

I gulp as I held my tears back and I sling my book bag over my shoulder and just decided to walk home, soaking wet. I was shivering as it was a windy afternoon.

Just my luck huh.

I approach my house and I see in the driveway, his car. My eyes widen in shock and horror as I look through the living room window and see him continue to drink his fifth beer.

He stands up and starts to throw things around as he was drunk. The lamp shattering as it hit the ground, the mess he was making and my mom quickly rushing to his side as she tries to calm him down but with terror in her eyes.

I look back at the entrance of the door and I raise my shaking hand to the doorknob. A lot of thoughts were running through my head. One of them is, should I go inside?

Just thinking of all of the horrible things he could do to me made my lip quiver in fear. I could hear his yelling echoing in my mind. All of those horrible nights and him just enjoying seeing me scream even cry in pain.

What made me come back to my senses was the front door slamming wide open. My breath shortens as I see him standing at the entrance, I feel my knees buckle in fear. I clenched onto my book bag really tight as he approaches me.

He grabs me roughly by my arm and begins to walk me inside. As soon as we entered the house he throws me down to the ground, violently. I close my eyes as I wince in pain on the ground.

"This! Is your idiot daughter!" He yells at my mother as he then proceeds to forcefully kick me.

I let out a gasp as that took the breath out of me and tears sting my eyes. I look up at my mother with pleading eyes and she just stands there, watching me.

"She's a disgrace! Can't do anything right!" He grabs a huge chunk of my hair in his hands and yanks me to stand up.

I scream in pain as it hurt so much and my legs shake in terror. Tears ran down my cheeks as I sob, hoping she would do something. She just continues to watch me, carefully, her eyes filled with fright.

He then yanks my hair heading towards the wall and brutally bashes my head.

I was out like a light.

My eyes slowly open as I felt a throbbing pain throughout my whole body especially my head.

I held my head in my hand as I groan in pain and cough up a bit blood. I struggle to sit up but I managed to and I looked around, it was night already. I was left on the floor of the living room, blood dripped from my head and I sigh.

The lights were all turned off and I slowly stood up as I then approach the stairs and drag myself to my room. My clothes were still a bit soggy but I shrug.

I go into my private bathroom in my room and I tend to my wounds and bruises. I start to strip myself of my clothes and step into the shower. I turn on the shower head and cold water runs down my back. As the water heads towards the drain and along with the water was blood.

I sob as I watched and sat down on the floor of the shower just covering my face with my hands as I cry. This is how my life is going to be.


After a long night, I force my sore body out of bed and I do my usual routine to get ready. I quietly head downstairs and there was no one home.

I see a yellow sticky note on the marble kitchen counter.

Gonna be gone for two days, don't do anything stupid, I have eyes everywhere
- Your parents

I sigh in relief and a wide smile touched my lips, I felt happy like really happy. I jumped in joy but wince in pain but it was worth it!

I cooked myself some breakfast and then head off to the bakery in a cheerful mood. Sadly my books were wet from the rain yesterday but they dried off.

I enter the bakery but I wasn't embraced into a hug like I usually was and I raise my eyebrow in confusion.

I look around to see everything normal and usual, But one thing caught my eye when I see a boy around my age working at the front counter instead of Mary.

He has dirty blonde hair swaying naturally in one way then his brown chocolate eyes staring into mine. His chiseled face tells me he works out and the clothes he's wearing shows off his muscular body. He seemed bored as he was cleaning the counter.

I approach the counter, and the boy sighs, "Welcome to Mary's Whimsical Pastries, what would you like?"

"Um I was actually looking for Mary," I say as I gently put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

He raises an eyebrow, "How do you know Mary?"

I was gonna respond until I heard the clicking of heels against the wooden floor approaching us. I look towards the sound and to see Mary happily.

She claps into joy and embraces me into a hug then pulls away before I could respond. "I'm glad you're here, I have news"

I nod and smiles as I look at her and wait to hear the news and the boy were just standing there in confusion.

"I will be temporarily leaving and who's gonna be in charge is my grandson" She gestures to the boy.

I had to process that for a minute and I had a dumbfounded face on, "W-Wait what? Why?"

She held my hands with her and smiles, "I will be opening up another one of my bakeries!" She sounds excited and gently squeezes my hand.

I smile and pulls her into a hug, "That's amazing Mary, you always wanted that"

She pulls away from the hug and sighs, "But sadly I will be away but don't worry my grandson should take care of things"

I look at her grandson and a grin was on his face as he sends a wink to me and I mentally gag.

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