4. Knight in Shinning Armor

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"Sometimes your knight in shining armor is just a retard in tin foil" -loveoflifequotes


I walk along the sidewalk out of school along with Violet and Jackson. Harry was supposed to join us, but a certain someone threatened him.

"Violet, Violet, Violet, how many times am I suppose to say you never give anyone a wedgie!" Jackson frowns at her.

"I said I was sorry.." She mumbles under her breath and pouts.

"Say that to my ass!" Jackson says as he waddled like a penguin the whole time walking.

I let out a soft laugh and smile, "I'm not even gonna ask what happened" I shake my head.

We both headed our separate ways as I started to walk home alone. Violet and Jackson continue to argue as they walk back another direction, together.

I continue to walk home alone in a peaceful silence until I hear the screech of tires. I turn to my right to see a Mercedes car stopping right next to me. The window scrolls down to show, Amber, sipping on her Starbucks ice coffee.

Amber grins as she looks at her coffee then back at me. A small gasp leaves my mouth as her ice coffee hits my sweater and drops down to the ground. Amber laughs as she gets out her phone and I bite my bottom lip and look away.

"Hey!" I hear Amber whine as I turn to see Mr.Colt standing there out of breath and Amber's phone shattered on the ground.

Mr.Colt chuckles, "Oops, my bad...I have a habit of doing that to certain people.." He gives Amber an innocent smile.

Amber scoffs and rolls her eyes, "Whatever.." She rolls up her windows and begins to drive away.

As they were talking, I was already walking away. I just need to get home.

A hand was placed on my shoulder as he stopped me and went in front of me, "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine.." I sigh as I look down at my sweater, it meant a lot to me.

His chocolate brown eyes were filled with concern as he looked at me. "Does that happen to you often?" He asks me.

I ignore his answer as I move past him and continue to walk home. "Okay..sensitive subject" He mutters under his breath and walks with me.

"Why are you following me?" I turn to look up at him as the sun was shining on his face showing off his handsome features.

"This is my way home too, Ms.Ashton" He smiles as he looks ahead of him.

"Why did you do that?" I ask him bluntly about what happened earlier as I put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I'm the knight in shining armor when it comes to saving people!" He says proudly and poses.

A small smile comes to my lips, and I shake my head, "Weirdo.."

He chuckles and nudges me by my side, "Says the one who calls me Mr.Colt"

"You call me Ms.Ashton" I exclaim as I furrow my eyebrows at him and smile.

"Cause you never told me your name" He shrugs and smiles as he glances over at me.

"Ditto" I reply and continue to walk a further head of him. He shakes his head and keeps up with me, "So when are you going to tell me your name?"

"When you're worth enough, my knight in shining armor," I say playfully and smile.

"Hey, I saved you from that devil or as you call it an Amber" He scoffs and chuckles softly.

Oh trust me there are other worse people than her.. I thought to myself.

I was pulled out of my trance as Mr.Colt speaks up "This is where we part ways, Ms.Ashton.." he bows to me and sends me a smile.

I couldn't stop smiling at his childish behavior and roll my eyes at him. "Yeah, I guess I'll see you tomorrow.." I begin to walk away.

As I was walking away, I was sworn I could have heard something.

"Goodbye, M'Lady" He whispers.


After my relaxing bubble bath than laying in my pajamas in my bed while watching Netflix for hours. I groan in laziness as I try to convince myself to do my homework.

Ring! Ring!

The home phone was ringing like crazy and nonstop, and I run the stairs quickly as I grab the home phone and answer it.

"Hello?" I answer as I raised my eyebrow and held the phone to my ear to listen.

"Sweetie..this is your mom" Her irritating voice responds on the other end.

"Yes Mom, what is it?" I respond as I stood there waiting for an answer.

She lets out a long sigh, "Okay well the little vacation your father and me-"

"Step..Stepfather" I interrupt and correct her.

"Yes..well your Stepfather wasn't enjoying it here and decided to go home by himself.." My eyes widen as I begin to shake.

"H-Himself? As in a-alone?" I gulp as I felt my throat getting dry.

"Yes by himself while I stay over here and enjoy the rest of the vacation.." She explains.

"M-Mom can I stay over at a friend's house?" I quickly ask her as I keep my eyes on the front door.

"Honey..you know I don't let you unless-"

I again interrupt her, "Yes Mom, I know, but it's for a project, I swear" I run upstairs and start to pack my bag for the night as I balance the phone between my ear and shoulder.

There was a long pause on the phone, and she sucks her teeth, "Fine..but just for one night."

I bid my mom a goodbye as I finish packing in time and putting on normal wear instead of leaving on my panda bear pajamas.

In a hurry, I head to the door as I begin to dial Violet on my cell phone. I zipped up my jacket as it was cold and windy, I let out a sigh as the phone was ringing.

"Uh um Hello?" The quiet and exhausted voice responds.

"Hey V, I was wondering if you wanted to Uh..I don't know a sleepover?" I ask as I nibble on my bottom lip.

There was a long silence on the other end, so I respond again, "Violet? You there?" Soon the phone call ends.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I was going to redial her number. I was until I heard this.

"SLEEPOVER!" Someone screams from a few blocks away as birds got startled and flew away.

I giggle as I smile, "That's my Violet.."

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