8. Bruises and Scars

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"The Best Love Story Is When You Fall In Love With The Most Unexpected Person At The Most Unexpected Time" -Unknown

Nathan pulls me into his car as I sat in the passenger seat and he locks the doors. He puts both of his hands on the steering wheel.

"What the hell happened?" He asks sternly as he turns to look at me while raising a dubious eyebrow.

"Like I said it was nothing," I say as I avert eye contact with him and play with my curls.

His eyebrows furrowed and he sighs, "Bullshit and you know it" He mutters and leans his head back in the seat.

I stay silent as I didn't know what to say to him about this, I never told anyone about this, so it's hard to talk about it.

I was looking down at my lap as I clasp my hands together until he puts his hand on my cheek causing me to turn red a bit. I look straight into his chocolate brown eyes as he stares into mine for a second then looks at the scratches on my cheek.

"I have band-aids at home.." He adds but his eyes go lower and he sees the cut my bottom lip then his jacket was a bit roughed up.

I lick my lips to get away the dry blood, and I turn away from his gaze and look out the window. "What was that thing you had to do with your friends?" I quickly change the subject.

He clears his throat, "That was a lie...I just," He sighs, "Had to get you out of that house" He runs his fingers through his hair.

"T-Thank you.." I mutter as I held on tightly to his jacket wrapped around me. He starts up the car then begins to drive away from my house.

-Nathan's POV-

My foot hit the brakes, and the vehicle comes to a stop once I arrive at my home. The car ride there was silent, and I didn't like it one bit.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and turn to see Alana fast asleep in my car seat. She was softly snoring, and a smile comes to my face as I watched her. Her head leaned against the leather seat as her hair pulled to one side.

I exit the car as I go over to Alana side, I slowly open the door, trying not to wake her up. I gently pick her up and into my arms.

She was as light as a feather, and I like the way my jacket looked on her. But what made me frown was when I saw her lip busted along with scratches clawing at her face.

I held her close to me as I close the car door with my foot and then walk on the sidewalk to my house. Luckily, Auntie was working late today or else she'd freak seeing me with Alana.

Once I was able to open the door, I put Alana on my couch as I shut the front entrance.

I heard a whistle coming up from the stairs, and I see my older sister leaning against the railings of the stairs as a smirk plastered on her face.

Her chestnut brown hair with ombré highlights pulled into a ponytail as she was wearing her sleepwear. She comes down the stairs and approaches me, "I thought you wouldn't be home" I gulp.

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