3. Annoying

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"Life is tasteless without that one annoying friend " - Post Quotes.


Mary had to leave to catch her flight, but we bid our goodbyes and wish for lucks. She told me, and her grandson should try and get along with each other.

So now I'm sitting at a table face to face with a particular blonde haired boy with chocolate twinkling brown eyes. A grin on his face along with dimples on his cheeks. The sunlight is coming through the window shining on him.

I sigh as I finally broke the silence "Are you just gonna keep staring at me?"

"Why? Is it bothering you?" He says in an annoying tone as he raises an eyebrow at me.

I slightly frown and roll my eyes, "Let's introduce us, my name's-"

Before I could say my name or finish the sentence, he had received a call from his vibrating phone in his pocket.

He sighs and slightly frowns as he takes the phone out of his pocket and looks at the caller ID, "I'll be back.." He answers the phone and receives the call in the kitchen.

I was bored out of mind as my fingers gently tap the table in rhythm making a little beat. I hum a bit, going along with the beat and I chuckle at my childish behavior.


Mary's Grandson took too long, and I had to leave before I get late to school eventually.

I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear as I held my books in my arms and continued to walk the halls. Luckily I didn't bump into Amber or any of her minions.

I walk into the class as I take my seat in the back cause I didn't want to be randomly called on by the teacher. I put my stuff down, and class doesn't start in another five minutes.

I look around the class to see the usual, jocks huddled up into a group as they laugh and try to throw paper balls into the garbage shoot. Snotty popular just 'chatting' and by that, I mean just to spread rumors about others.

The old blonde, friendly teacher walks in, and as soon as she does the class phone rings and she answers it with a chirpy response.

She calls me up to her front desk, and I approach her as she gives me a friendly warm smile, "The principal needs to speak with you."

I nod as she hands me a pass to go to the principal's office and I walk out of class then head to the room.

I grab my book bag just in case before I left and I approach the Principal's office.

I twist the golden knob that was attached to the wooden door then took a step into the office to see him standing there.

"Ah Ms. Ashton, Nice of you to join us today" He calls me by my last name as the middle-aged principal gave me a warm smile.

I returned the smile, but my eyes landed on Mary's Grandson flashing me a white pearly grin. As his hair combed in a way and he was wearing a red plaid shirt along with jean pants. One earring on one of his ears as it suited him very well.

I take a seat right next to him and across from the principal, "Why did you call me in, Mr. Grant?" I ask with curiosity.

I place my book bag down to my side as I try to avoid looking at Mary's Grandson, but he seems to keep staring at me.

Mr. Grant clears his throat and smiles, "Well as you see this our new student" He motions to the idiot sitting right next to me with a goofy grin.

He continues, "Since you are an excellent student and with good records, I wanted to ask you if you would like to show Mr. Colt around" He suggests and informs me.

I take a look at Mr.Colt and to see a grin on his face along with playfulness in his eyes as his dimples showed on both sides of his cheeks.

I then turn back to Mr. Grant and nod, "Sure I'll show Mr. Colt around." I knew I was going to regret this.

Mr. Grant takes out a pen from his pen holder then takes out a slip of paper to write on then hands it to me. "This should excuse you from your classes and try to show Mr.Colt his classes as well" He addresses.

I nod as I get my book bag and sling it over my shoulder then take a stand up from my chair as I have the slip in my hand.

I walk out of The Principal's Office along with Mr.Colt tagging along. The hallways were empty as classes were still going on.

Mr.Colt turns to me and smiles, "Who knew we would go to the same school?" His eyes filled with happiness.

I chuckle, "Yeah cause this is not the only high school in this town," I say sarcastically, but I continue, "Anyway Mr.Colt, Can I see your schedule?"

He chuckles as I called him by his last name and reaches his hand into his pocket and hands me a crumpled up paper.

I slightly frown as it was crumpled up cause I like my papers to be neat but I shrug it off, and then I bite my bottom lip. "You have all of the same classes with me except Algebra and History."

He runs his hand through his dirty blonde hair and smiles, "Well Ms.Ashton I guess we'll be seeing each other more often than I thought" He nudges me by my side.


Lunch soon came, and I saw that Mr.Colt was already making friends as I saw him high fiving and laughing along with people.

I was currently sitting at my table with Violet and Jackson, the blonde quiet worm book type of guy. We're now arguing over an argument.

Jackson pushes his glasses up with his index finger and slightly frowns, "Violet you can't just smack someone cause they're annoying you" He sighs.

Violet frowns as she puts her hand on her hips, "He kept poking me, and I told him not to touch me, so he puts his finger close to me and says 'I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you' which drives me even more insane!"

"You guys act like I'm not here?" A Blacked haired boy with sparkling light green eyes says with an annoyed tone. His head is leaning on his hand as he raises an eyebrow at the both of them.

Violet looks at him, "You shouldn't even be here.." She glares at him.

The idiot crosses his arms and has a smirk playing on his lips, "I'm waiting for my apology.." His eyes have mischief in them.

Violet starts to roll up her sleeves and frowns, "Oh I'll give you an apology" She grins with mischief.

Jackson laughs awkwardly, "Yeah I don't think that's necessary, Violet" He gives her a stern look.

Violet pouts and rolls her eyes, "Fine I'm sorry for slapping you, Harry" She says with no emotions or sympathy.

Harry grins then thinks for a moment, "I'm sorry, but I wasn't paying attention, Care to say it again but with more feeling?"

Violet says to him with a blank face, "I'm sorry for slapping you again.."

Harry puts on a confused face, "What do you mean-"

A hard slap that was left with silence, I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing.

But Jackson didn't even try to stop himself, and he started laughing.

Violet has a smug look on her face as she lets out a sigh, "I feel a lot better now" She says calmly then gets up to throw away her trash.

Harry gently touches his cheek that has a red sting, leaving an embarrassed idiot there.


Hoped you enjoyed and please share the love and spread the word about this book! I would much appreciate it! Thank you

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