7. Going Home

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"A hero is someone who voluntarily walks into the unknown" -Tom Hanks

Violet kept crying in front of my eyes as she held her sister close to her chest, "Sissy is mommy gonna be okay?" Kathy sniffs as she asks and her eyes were puffy from crying.

Violet wipes away her tears and looks at her sister, "Mommy will be okay...I promise" She gives Kathy a small smile.

I approach Violet and Kathy as their attention both turn to me. Violet embraces me into a hug as she puts her head on my shoulder. I held her in my arms, "I'm so sorry Violet.."

Violet shakes her head as she snuffles and lets out a long sigh, "It all happened so fast..and I just stood there."

I rub her back as I try my best to comfort her in this horrible situation and I let her continue.

"All I heard was glass breaking and then-" She stops for a minute to try to push herself to tell me, I give her a caring smile.

"Then..someone screaming and I went downstairs to see a masked man above my mother as he held a bloody sharp knife" She soon started to shake vigorously, "He slowly turned to me and gave me this creepy smile than ran.."

The police started to head over to Violet to query her more about what had happened, and I felt someone grab my hand which made me turn around to see Nathan. "Are you ready to go home now?" He asks softly.

I gulp as I didn't want to go home.

What will he do to me when I go home? I began to shake just thinking of those thoughts, Nathan must have assumed I was cold since he started to take off his jacket then hand it over to me. I give him a small smile as I put on the coat and slowly nodded at him to answer his question.

Nathan takes me to his car but I couldn't say goodbye to Violet cause she was busy with the officers but more of like, I couldn't face her knowing who did this to her and that it's all my fault. My shoulders felt heaver knowing that I can't tell her anything.

I look out of the car's window as I'm in the passenger seat of his car, I was buckled up and watched as we got closer and closer to my house. I was hoping for a miracle up at this point.

The car's tires screeched as it came to a stop, right in front of my house. I take a look at Nathan to see him looking at me with a smile. "Thanks, Mr.Colt" I return the smile even though I'm crying inside. Nathan chuckles, "No problem, Alana."

I grab my bookbag as I sling it over my shoulder and I open the car door then exit out. Nathan's car didn't leave yet, and he told me he'd go when he sees me get safely into my house. I walk onto the sidewalk and continue to approach my door.

I'm standing in front of my door, and it swings wide open, and he was there leaning against it. I gulp and take a step to come in, and he closes the door shut as you hear the door creaking closed.

I put my book bag down as I slowly turn to his attention. He was standing there with a smirk on his face. His dark stubble on his chin, thick bags under his eyes. That menacing grin as he looks at me up and down then he slowly approaches me.

I flinch and close my eyes shut as he raises his hand, but he only twirls his finger around my curls. He keeps his eyes on me as he does it and then pulls me closer to him.

He puts his lips to my ear and whispers, "You never learn, do you" He lets out laughter then grabs a bottle of beer. He opens the beer and chugs down its content then looks at the beer bottle then back at me.

He throws the glass bottle towards me, and it shatters against the wall, right next to me. I get startled as I hear it break and drop to the floor.

He frowns and pouts, "Aw I guess I have to deal with you myself" He chuckles evilly and quickly comes my way. Before I could react, he puts both of his massive hands around my neck and pulls me up.

My eyes widen as I tug on his hands and I gasp trying to breathe. He pushes me up against the wall, and there was a sinister grin as he watched me struggle. He then throws me, harshly to the ground, right at the broken shards. I gasp loudly as I cough and choke, but I wince in pain as I tried to move, but the shards kept cutting me.

I squint up to see his body hovering over me, and he pulls out a pocket knife. The silver knife glistening in the moonlight and my eyes widen as I scurry away. "P-Please..no!" I shout in terror.

There was humor in his eyes as I stand up on my two feet, I quickly grab something near me which was a lamp, and I held it up against him. "Back away!" I yell in demand.

"Tch Tch Alana finally has backbone huh?"

"Why do you do this to me!" I cry out as my hands started to shake when I held the lamp.

"It's funny.." He chuckles darkly, "To see people shake in fear, to see them beg for help," He says as he starts to play around with the knife in his hand.

"I could ramble on and on, but that wouldn't be so much fun, now would it?" He licks his lips and slowly moves towards me.

There was a doorbell ring at the door. I sigh in relief as I look at the door then back at my stepfather.
He groans in annoyance then puts his pocketknife away in his pocket.

Before he opened the door, he looked at me and narrowed his eyes as he whispers, "Don't say anything."

He then opens the door to see Nathan who was a taller and much more built than my stepfather.

"Hello sir, um are you Alana's father?" Nathan scratches the back of his neck a bit nervously for some odd reason.

"Yes, and who are you?" He raises his eyebrow at him curiously as he seemed bored.

I look down at myself to see I'm still wearing Nathan's jacket and I fiddle with the hems of it.

"I'm a friend of hers, and she left her phone in my car" Nathan gestures to the phone in his hand, "Is She here?" He asks.

I come to the door, and I look at Nathan, his expression changed from a smile to concern.

"Alana, are you okay? You have scratches on your face?" He puts his hand on my cheek, and I wince in pain.

Then his hand moved to my hair and took out a piece of shards from the beer bottle, "What happened?" He seemed like he was getting suspicious.

I take a glance at my stepfather to see him giving me a face of demand of not to say anything. "I-I'm clumsy so I um slipped when I had my glass s-soda and fell.." I quickly came up with.

Nathan looks at me then at my stepfather, "Sir do you mind if Alana comes with a couple of friends for something and me as well?" He gives him his signature smile.

He closes his eyes and lets out a long sigh of irritation, "Sure Whatever" He pushes me out of the door and slams the door shut behind me.

Nathan grabs me by my hand and takes me to his car that is parked across the street.

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