6. Guilt

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"Tears come from the heart and not from the brain " -Leonardo Da Vinci.

"I'm so sorry.." I softly say as I break down and tears begin to roll down my cheeks. They began to roll her away into the ambulance as I stood there, crying.

An arm wraps around me, pulling me closer to their chest and I look up to see, Mr.Colt.

He gives me a sympathetic, sad smile and tries his best to comfort me, "It's not your fault" His eyes filled with care and tragedy.

When in reality. It's all my fault.

Five hours earlier-

As Mr.Colt and I walk into the restaurant, I couldn't help from noticing him looking over at me. But I just shrug off the feeling, thinking it's just me.

His eyes immediately light up as he found his group of friends sitting in a booth. He walks over to them and his friends look at him but then their eyes quickly grab their attention to me.

I felt kind of uncomfortable as I wasn't used to being the center of attention. But I take a quick glance at all of them.

Light brown hair with a few streaks of naturally ombre highlights that match perfectly with his evergreen eyes. His chiseled features are shown more by the light above them all. His lips curled into a big smile, no not in a perverted way.

I glance at the other boy to see his jet black hair curls all in a mess like it's doing its own thing. But it suits him as his hazel eyes were dull and boring. He was on his phone then took a minute to look at me then go back to his phone.

Last, there was a girl, Her chestnut brown short wavy hair complimenting her beautiful golden eyes. She had her ears pierced twice which can tell by the small stone earrings she's wearing.

"Hola Amigo, could you have taken any longer," The light haired boy said as his tone was sarcastic and his voice had a Spanish accent to it.

Mr.Colt lets out a chuckle, and he ruffles his friend's hair, "Traffic, and I was picking up my friend."

"Are you sure this time she's a friend?" The girl raises a wiggling eyebrow at him, and I felt my face turn a bit red as to what she means.

Mr.Colt doesn't seem fazed by it and rolls his eyes playfully, "I mean you're here so yeah I'm pretty sure" He says with a smug look on his face.

The girl snickers, "We miss you back at school" She admits and they all nod in agreement.

"Aw don't miss me too much," He says with a grin.

"Alright sit your cocky ass down so we can eat already," The black haired boy tells him as he seemed a bit annoyed.

Mr.Colt chest vibrates as he laughs and a small smile appears on his friends face.

"Well I'm Sandy" The short haired girl looks at me with a bright smile as waves at me.

"I'm Theo" The light haired winks at me and gives a grin then points to Mr.Colt's last friend.

His uninteresting hazel eyes look into mine, and he cracks a small smile at me, "Fin" He merely says then goes back to his phone.

"Instead of Mr.Colt, call me Nathan" He runs his fingers through his hair and gives me a smile from ear to ear.

"So Chica, What's your name?" Theo asks as diverts his attention to me with curiosity as he clasps his hands together on the table.

I smile brightly, "Name's Alana" I introduce myself as sort of felt relieved that Nathan now knows my name.

Sandy scotches over to make room for me in the booth, and I gladly take a seat next to her.

"Now I know your name" Mr.Colt- I mean Nathan says with a smug look on his face.

"You didn't know her name?" Fin looks at him with disappointment as he crosses his arms and puts his phone away.

"Well, I mean-"

"Guys I'm hungry so shut up and let's eat," Sandy says as she leans back.

I check my phone to see there were 12 missing calls from Violet and my eyes widen. I quickly get out of the booth and go to the bathroom.

I dial her number and call her back, "Come on pick up V.." I mutter, impatiently.

On the other end, the phone picks up, "Hello? V? Is everything alright I just saw-"

"A-Alana.." I can hear Violet sobbing as she tries to talk to me but it sounded like it was too hard for her to tell.

"W-What happened?" I ask as I gulp and I hope he didn't have anything to do with this. How did I forget about his threat? I feel so stupid, and guilt washed over me when she called.

She couldn't say anything cause she couldn't stop crying. I interrupt her as I tell her I would be right over.

My eyes prick with tears as I try to hold it in. I ran out of the bathroom and the restaurant as my lip quivers.

I could hear them all shouting at me saying "Where are you going?" "Alana!" I didn't care about them right now, all I had in my mind was Violet. She means a lot to me.

With each step I took, I try to run as fast I can as my legs wanted to give up on me. My breathing starts to shorten but I kept pushing myself, and I won't stop.

I heard a car honking next to me, and I turn to see Nathan as he rolled down his window.

"Where the hell are you going?" Nathan asks as he looked at me with concern. Cars were honking behind him but he didn't pay any attention to them, whatsoever.

My breathing shortens from the running as tears ran down my cheeks, "V-Violet.." That was all that I could mutter.

Nathan gets out of his car and takes me in the front passenger seat, "Where's her house?"

I show him the way, and when I arrive there, all I could see was the sun starting to set. Ambulance along with police was at her house.

I saw them wheeling someone out of the house, and I swiftly get out of the car. News reporters were trying to get in on the scene, but police stop them and block off the area. Neighbors started coming to their house to see what's all the commotion.

My eyes widen as I gulp and everything went silent for me. I couldn't hear the sirens anymore, Nor the police barking orders.

All I could do was stand in front of Violet's Mom to see her have a massive open wound to the stomach. Her eyes were wide open filled with fear. Blood was covered all over her. They began to wheel her away from me as they took her into the ambulance.

Someone grabs me by the shoulders to turn me around, and I see Nathan looking at me. He was saying something, but I just couldn't hear him.

He kept talking, but my eyes turned to Violet as she was down on the ground, holding her little sister close to her. That moment guilt took over me, and I felt useless.


You finally learned Ms.Ashton's name better known as Alana. But Violet's Mom sadly got hurt, and I guess you know who.

I will try to update more frequently, but I am quite busy with school and my own life, but I won't discontinue the book if that's what you're thinking. Anyway until next time~!

BTW! Shout out to midontcare to my awesome and amazing book cover! If you need books covers, just message her! ❤️❤️

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