Chapter 16 - Fever

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Misaki's POV

Black… everywhere I look, I could only see darkness…

Where am I…?

I kept turning around trying to find something… someone… in the void that surrounded me. There was a blur in the distance. I wasn't sure what it was. I tried moving towards it but I couldn't move. I was paralyzed. The blur started to get closer; as it got closer I was able to discern a shape within it.

It was a person, but I still couldn't see any features to tell who it was. I waited to see who it was, I felt like I knew who it was and yet…

My heart skipped a beat when it became clear who it was… the person that I wanted to see more than anything… nii-chan…it was him… it really was him… I couldn't hold back the tears of joy when I saw his face… there was so much that I wanted to tell him… all the emotions that I felt… I wanted to let him know how much I missed him…

'Nii-chan…' my lips moved but the words didn't come out 'nii-chan…' I tried again but it didn't work. I held my throat with my left hand in confusion… why can't I speak? I want to talk to him… I want to tell him everything that I felt, like what I've always done when he was still with me…nii-chan…

"Misaki" oh god, I never thought that I would hear his sweet loving voice again. "How are you doing Misaki…?" he smiled at me… that kind smile of his… all I could think about was how much I love him… my nii-chan…

"I hope you're doing fine without me there with you…" his smile turned bitter as he spoke those words. "So killing mom and dad wasn't enough for you was it little brother…?"

'No…nii-chan no… I didn't mean to…' damn it, why can't I speak…

"I had to live without them for so long because of you… you killed mom and dad… you took them away from me…" his voice was filled with rage.

'Please nii-chan' god please… please… 'I'm sorry… nii-chan I'm sorry…'

"I even ruined my future to raise your sorry ass… not that I'd have one now because of you" this wasn't him… he looked like nii-chan… even sounds like him… but this is not him… no, it's not him…

"You had to insist on us walking to the station… not only that, but also that damn flower shop and for what, some stupid flowers that would die after a few days… well let me tell you that mom says thank you but your flowers won't help her forgive you for killing them… Misaki…"

'M…m-mom…' no way… I knew that all of this was my fault… but… it hurts so much 'nii-chan please… forgive me…FORGIVE ME' I tried to yell the words but even that didn't work…

"After everything that I have done for you… this is how you repay me? You killed me… do you know how much pain I suffered before I died… do you? Do you know how much it hurts to have your spine broken?" he despaired for a second; I felt some wetness at the corner of my mouth.

I tried to raise my hand once again, this time I was able to. I traced the wetness and raised my fingers to my eyes to see that it was blood.

Why was I bleeding…?

I looked down as I felt a sudden pain. I was shocked to see a knife that was half way through my chest. I looked up to see whose hand it was. Nii-chan was standing so close that the tip of my nose almost touched his… my eyes widened as I realized that he was the one holding the knife…

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