Chapter 11 - Broken

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Usagi’s POV

I opened my eyes to see Misaki sitting on the coffee table in front of me; he placed his right hand on my left shoulder shaking it gently. I must have dozed off while they were preparing breakfast.

“Usagi-san breakfast is ready” he said as he got up and headed to the table to help Aikawa set it up.

The smell of food was filling the room; I didn’t notice how hungry I was till I smelled it. I got up and headed to the table and sat down on my usual seat. Misaki sat opposite of me as Aikawa sat on my right, between me and Misaki.

The food looked delicious so I started eating. After a couple of bits I noticed Misaki hadn’t even touched his food. He was just staring at it, his eyes half lidded as he looked down at his food.

If I’m hungry then he must be starving…

“Misaki? Why aren’t you eating?”

It took him a while but then he said in a whisper “…not hungry…” Aikawa had stopped eating and was looking his way.

“You haven’t eaten anything in two days, you’re right you’re not hungry… you're starving” I said slightly irritated with his answer. He lowered his head a bit more but didn’t say anything. I slapped myself mentally for my impatience; Misaki was hurting, I have to be more patient…

Aikawa trying to get him to eat said “Misaki-kun come on, I’ve always wanted your opinion about my cooking. Maybe you could give me some tips on it or something. Just take a bite to taste it would you?”

He was still silent; with his face hidden from me I was just hoping that he wasn’t crying again. “Misaki, just take a bite for Aikawa’s sake; I already know that it is not as good as your cooking but still…”

“Sensei! Don’t insult my cooking when you haven’t tasted it yet” she yelled. I knew that the omelet I was eating was Misaki’s cooking so I was betting that he had the plate with hers. I was just hoping that it was as good as she says.

With a sigh I said “fine then. Misaki you decide. You are better at cooking than me so you would know.” Aikawa and I were only praying that this technique would get him to eat. Aikawa reached out her right arm and put her hand on Misaki’s shoulder.

“Misaki-kun...?” he raised his head a little and with a small nod he picked up the chopsticks and took a piece of omelet. He hesitated for a second then he ate it. “So what do you think Misaki-kun?” she asked him with enthusiasm “Is it good?” Misaki only nodded.

“Really? Is it really good? Look sensei, didn’t I tell you.” She said loudly as she usually did. I smiled slightly at the thought of getting him to eat at least a bite.

“I bet he is just saying that to make you feel good. He can’t even take another bite of it” I smirked in her direction. She looked back at Misaki with puppy dog eyes.

“I-is that t-true Misaki-kun?” she said pouting with fake tears in her eyes. I got to hand it to her; she was a really good actress.

He looked at her and said “n-no it is good. R-really Aikawa-san” he then turned to me and gave me a glare which I returned with a smirk. I was happy to see his usual glare even if it only lasted for a second.

“Then why did you stop eating?” she asked still pouting at him. He sighed and took another bite, he then turned to see if she was satisfied yet but he only ended up having to take another one because of her pout that never left her face until he had eaten half his omelet.

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