Lost Pants

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Dear Quinn,

I may have danced on a few tables last weekend. I did lose my favorite pair of jeans which really sucks. I took them off to go swimming and they were gone by the time I was done. I'm pretty sure it was all a joke but they haven't shown back up yet. You know how awkward it was to wear my boxers home? Ashton didn't have a spare pair in his car and the girls we were with kept giggling the entire way. I kissed one of them but I doubt I'll see her again. What's the chance she stole my jeans? Kind of a creepy thought.

As for your trouble with Calum, I've been there. I've dealt it and been on the receiving end. The girl that I had the problem with ended up losing feelings and not having the guts to just tell me what was going on. We were only together for a few months so it didn't really tear me up.

The girl I pulled all that on I was just busy with life and what all I had going on. Its definitely a shitty excuse but it does happen. Maybe you should bring it up to him again? But do it in a way where it's just a normal conversation and not like your trying to pry or be too demanding.

I wish I could be more help. Smile and keep your head up princess.


A/N: I wanted to update a few days ago but I chose sleep instead... You know the struggle is real when you gotta chose between want you to do and sleep. Fml. How was your weekend?

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