17 - Cordelia

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A/N: After some comments on my " A/N #2 " I will choose the new character ^^ You can add race/species if you want too :3 Sincerely, TOOS cx P.S She/He will show up in chapter 20 ;D


Kim's P.O.V

After getting out of Laito's arms quietly and out of the bed, I decided to put some clothes on and take a walk around the garden. The air was cold, but at the same time, it was warm. The words that Laito has told me " I love you " flew around like a torpedo. I don't understand. Does he really mean by that? Does he really have feelings for me? And do I have feelings for him as well?

"Well, well, Kimmy, you might have feelings for Laito, do you? Even he's a big pervert?" The female voice appeared in front of me. No doubt it was, Cordelia. 

"What are you doing around here, Cordelia?" My voice raised when my anger came by. Seeing her, it's making me sick. She shrug her arms and grinned.

"I live here, problem?"She looked around and studied the garden.

"It hasn't even changed since long time I was here." I felt how my anger rised and knotted my hand, lifting it up and tried to punch her. She took a grip on my arm and threw me against the bushes.

"Don't fight against me, human filth." She snapped and caused me flying towards the wall of the house. I lost my breath and tried to catch some air. 

"You don't make any sense, do...you?" I whispered husky enough and sat up on the grass. I lifted my eyes and met hers. 

"Trying to kill everyone, is that what you want to?" I continued and brushed off the leaves from my clothes.

"Leaving Laito alive? I understand now, your husband didn't love you enough? One of my dreams I had lately, your husband gave you a bouquet of flowers that did say "I don't love you." So you used Laito for sex, huh? When Karlheinz found out that you slept with your biological son, he forbid you to see him and locked him in the basement, keeping him away from you? But you couldn't handle it, so you found the key and met Laito, which includes that you slept with him. And I can't believe how you could use Kanato for singing, he witnessed when you and Richter slept with each other, in front of him. Your relationship with Ayato is really confusing, but understandable, you want him as number one to convince Beatrix that your son is better than hers. You wanted him to be top of the line, but would be still useless to you, drowning him in the lake was really sick of you. So please, leave this mansion now." I finished and stared at her. Cordelia looked like if she saw a ghost, but recovered herself with a laugh.

"Yeez, you got it all upside down, my dear Kim, I did not use Laito for sex, I used him as my lover, he didn't see me as a parent, he saw me as a thing for the bed. A toy, maybe. And still, he was sexually intimated by our maid, Hilde. He had a good time though." She grinned wider and laughed again.

"Anyway, I had a good time with you now, but I have to go, such a shame, we will meet again, Kim, in the awakening." She disappeared in front with a flash. I itched my head and tried to put the pieces together. Awakening? What does she mean about that? I knew who can answer that, my sister herself.

What do you think so far? Leave a comment below and take care ^-^ Besides, which rose shall Kim represent, same as Elsa? owo

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