13 - The Truth

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Kim's P.O.V

Fascinating it was, a cold buried around the big bedroom along with the king sized bed. The windows were open and the wind came in like a rushing wave. It was really hard to shut it really. Even though I have tried many times and told the others, it didn't work. Once again, I stood up on my feet, walked towards the window, I suddenly stopped, seeing a woman standing there. Black dress, purple hair to her legs. She was standing there, looking over the balcony. 

"So quiet, so beautiful, am I right, Kim?" The low, husky voice from the woman, turning around to meet me. 

"How the hell can she know my name? I barely know her, what the heck?" I shook my head and turned around, tried to convince myself this is just a dream. 

"You know, this was my favorite spot until I died by my triplets" She sighed and shrug her shoulders.

"I thought they were so nice, except Ayato, such a troublesome kid, never study, I wanted him to be my number one, even though he was, he would not mean anything to me, just useless kid, trying to be the number one" She chuckled and laid her hands on her hips.

"The funny thing is how you treated these poor boys, acting if they never existed for you, only the green-haired guy." I snapped and gave her an angry glare. She gave away a sweet chuckle and shook her head.

"Poor boys? Really? Do you feel bad for them? What they have done to you and your sister? Are you that stupid to believe in God?" She grinned and laughed again. Before I could even response, she gave away a blissfully sigh.

"I do miss Laito, he was my number one after all, always there when I needed him" She bent down and picked up a wine red rose. She studied for a moment before locking her eyes with mine, a small grin, showing up on her lips.

"Besides, Laito was very good in bed, trust me" She blinked and chuckled lightly. Surprised over my own reaction, I stood there, got struck by not saying anything. When I got back to the reality, I stared at her.

"You slept with your own son? Are you completely nuts? That's the most sickest thing I have ever heard in my whole life" I replied angry and closed my hands. She nodded and smiled gently.

"Many times" She looked at me and lifted up her hand, stopped me from hitting her.

"Don't forget, Kim-chan, I can hurt you whenever I want to with no sign of hesitation" She said and forced me back to bed.

"And you must know, if you want to know the truth if the triplets really killed me, go and ask them by yourself" She whispered, before I could blink, she was gone and the windows was shut. I couldn't speak or move, stunned over that she was here. I thought they destroyed the spirit for eternity. I hit my head, one, two, three, four times, just to make sure if this was a dream for sure. But no, it wasn't. I stood up on my feet and walked out to ask them if it was true.

"This is so stupid, I didn't dream, but it felt if it was a dream after all, I need to find out." I thought to myself and stepped into the music room, a gentle song was playing on the piano, wait, what was it? River flows in you? My eyes locked with Laito's when he looked up and smiled.

"Bitch-chan, so funny you are here, in nightgown." He studied me and laughed lightly. Even before I could response, he sighed and stretched out his arms, then kept playing.

"Anyway, what's up in your mind, Pancake?" He asked, his eyes on the piano while he was playing. With no hesitation, I took a deep breath and looked down at my hands.

"Who is that lady that I am always seeing her and why did you kill her?" Surprised as I was, he stopped playing and had a stern face, not replying.

"Why are you asking that?" Ayato's voice came beside me when he was sitting on the window board along with Kanato. I felt so unsure, but shook it away.

"I recently met her, in my room. She told me about you have done to her." I replied and swallowed nervously. First, there was silence, then their eyes started to glow. With no expression on their faces, Ayato looked up and studied me.



A scream echoed in the halls, a woman ran for her life, stopped beside the stairs, trying to catch her breath, her dress was so bloody. Ayato stood there with no expression on his face, he sighed deeply and looked at his shirt.

"So bloody, mother, this was one of my favorite" He said with displease in his voice and licked away the blood.

"Besides, you got tasty blood." He grinned and licked more.

"So tasty, I want some more" He smirked and stepped closer to her. Cordelia was stunned and ran away from her son, standing there and laughed devilish. She felt weaker than ever, the wall was her only help to get away from Ayato. The wall got drenched in the woman's blood as she tried to walk steady enough. The beautiful music came flowing through the corridor and Cordelia stepped into the room, looking at the boy who was playing.

"L-laito-kun, Ayato is hurting me" She stuttered and held her hand against it's bleeding wound. Laito stopped playing and smiled gently to his mother.

"Don't worry, my love, I will make he won't hurt you anymore" He replied and stood up, Cordelia smiled weakly. For half a second, Laito disappeared from the room, Cordelia walked to the balcony and breathed heavily. A moment later, Laito showed up, walking towards his mother.

"Is he...gone?" She asked unsure. The hat boy nodded and smiled.

"Yes, he is gone for now, I'll make sure he won't hurt you anymore" He smiled and took a stepped closer, she smiled and reached out her hand.

"Do you love me, mother?" She nodded.

"Yes, I really love you, Laito" He was clearly standing in front of her, too close.

"Good" He grinned and pushed her of the balcony, in fear, she screamed and it got stopped when she hit the ground, it remained silent. Laito looked down at the pale woman's body with no expression at all.

"Now, you will be mine for eternity" He said coldly and went back inside. A young boy appeared into the scene with candle lights, his face was calm, but deep inside, it was sorrow and fear who was hidden.

"Mother, are you okay?" No response.

"Mother? You are cold" He said while putting his hand on her forehead. Still no response, a smile grin on his face was hidden on his lips and took the candle light, setting the bushes on fire. He stood up and looked down.

"Now you will be warm, right, mother?" He smirked as soon the fire surrounded her. A small chuckle to a creepy laugh escaped from his mouth.

Such a intense chapter, I really like the flashbacks, so I understand the main story, I know that some of the sentences from the episodes are not here, but it doesn't have to be like it ^^ Still, thanks for reading and take care :3

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