4 - Meeting The Mukami's Part 2

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Kim's P.O.V

It felt so weird, Laito's teeth inside mine neck, drinking my blood, but at the same time, it felt like forever. I woke up after few hours of sleeping, man, he made me pass out, just brilliant.

"Dinner's ready" Reiji's voice echoed on the walls and came into my room. I sighed and stood up on my feet, I was dressed in a white blouse, ripped shorts and old boots that I liked, I went down to the kitchen and fixed my hair in a ponytail. Quietly, I sat down and looked at the dinner, it looked like steak with wine sauce, I heard the sound of chair, pulling in, beside me, sat Ayato, with a not-caring face and took a bite, in front of me, sat Laito, he met my eyes and smiled, fixed his hat and began to eat the food.

"So, Pancake, why were you so wet when you came out of the toilet?" Ayato asked, pointed at Laito.

"Same as you, what were you doing in there?" I was going to respond, but Laito got before.

"Nothing to worry about, little brother, nothing special happened" He smiled and looked towards me. I blushed like crazy and started to eat my food without saying anything.

~ Skipping The Dinner ~

I was sitting in my room, studied for few hours now. No Laito or anyone of the brothers, has showed up, thankfully. After more minutes, I finally gave up and put my book away.

"So boring" I groaned and walked out of the door, something caught my curiosity and I stopped, it was a door in front of me, with chains around it. What was it? I was going to touch it, but got stopped by Reiji.

"What are you doing?" He growled and took a grip on my wrist, I tried to pull away, but he was too strong, great, what do you think, he is a vampire, after all.

"I...I just got curious about this door" I got out and smiled so innocent. Reiji looked at me and sighed.

"It's nothing you should care about" He answered quick and pushed me out of the door.

"Hey, wait" I didn't get far when he closed the door in front of me. Reiji was very polite and did not use any harsh words, sometimes it annoys me. I walked into the woods, loooking around. Nothing much, just trees and more trees. After 7 minutes, I was behind a door, led to a red small house. I knocked on the door and waited for response. Few seconds later, the door opened and a pair of grey-bluish eyes peeking out. He gave out a smile and opened the door.

"Hey, come in"

More? cx Take care :P And I know, it wasn't much, but yeah, stay cool c:

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