7 - The Sakamaki Family Part 2

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As I said, I will update when I have time ^^ Have a good day c:


Kim's P.O.V

The silence went around in the classroom when I and Kou worked in the book. Laito's eyes were stuck on us for the whole lesson. It felt like he watched us, keeping us in his grip, which annoyed me. After the lesson, I walked around the school and ended up on the roof. The moon was very bright and the air thin, cold, it wrapped around me as a towel and kept me in. 

"My my, enjoying the moon, I see?" A small chuckle came from nowhere as I removed my head from the moon to Laito's irresistible green eyes. I growled and tried to get pass him, but got pinned on the wall by him.

"Going already? I truly enjoy this" He smiled and closed up onto my pale neck. 

"Let me go, you stupid" I said and tried to knee him, but failed. He got away and held my wrists harder against the cold brick wall. He grinned and leaned his head close enough.

 "Not so patient are you?" He grinned and smashed his lips against me. Even hard I tried to get away, I wasn't strong enough, I gasped, unlucky I was, his tongue slipped in, exploring my cavern. Stupid me, who moaned by the kiss and successfully pulled away, Laito smiled and studied me. 

"You are an excellent kisser, you know that?" He leaned closer to my neck and licked before biting it. I let out a small whimper and gave up by getting away. He was too strong and I was too weak, what kind of chance does a girl have against a vampire? None.

~ During The Night  ~

I got in bed early because of that stupid bite he gave me. The room was filled and surrounded me in darkness, wrapped me like a towel. The big window wasn't open, well, that's good for me. I looked around and my eyes were stuck at the moon, who was shining bright.

"Night, mom" I smiled and it faded away when I finally closed my eyes, those who was heavy and ready to shut down for the night. After 10 minutes or so, the windows were shut open and the wind flew in. I woke up and stared at it before stepping out from the warm, soft bed with light pink sheets and all. I slowly walked towards the balcony and stopped by the edge of it, I shut down my eyes and suddenly opened them, finding myself in a different area. Confused as I was, I spun around to explore the garden, the sun was shining and three kids were playing, hold it, they looked so oddly familiar. The purple-haired boy stopped and wiped the tears away.

"No, the bat I caught is flying away" He whined and hugged his little teddy. The red-brownish haired boy laid his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, Kanato, I'll help you catch it" He smiled, which made me remember and started to walk backwards. The wall hit me and my eyes flew to another red-haired boy, playing with a stick. 

"I'll help you too, pipsqueak" The boy with the stick and smiled with triumph, the purple haired boy, named Kanato, smiled weakly.

"What are we waiting for? Come on then" He laughed a little and started to run, the other boy followed gladly after him.

"Ayato!" A stern voice coming from nowhere, my eyes spun around until they were stuck on a purple-haired woman with green eyes, she wore a black dress with straps made up in a zig zag pattern and a white rose and two small ones by her right chest. At her right arm, she had similar band, just like on her dress and the left one, she had a arm-length glove. The little boy turned around, ready to face the woman, who looked like to be his mother.

"You were supposed to study, not play" She looked at him very coldly, which made him shudder. 

"No, all I am doing, is study" He muttered and looked around for a escape way. His mother sighed.

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