3 - The Midnight School & Meeting The Mukami's Part 1

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Author's Note: Just to be clear, I have lots of undone things in school, so yeah, sometimes, I do not update, but I am trying my best to keep you guys updated :) Hugs, TOOS ^^


Kim's P.O.V

It was soft, warm, maybe too soft? I finally woke up and looked around. I was in a big bedroom. There was a king-sized bed with light-pink sheets, white pillows. I glanced over to the big windows beside me. Rain poured as it was a shower. Suddenly, the bed sank some few centimetres, when I turned my head, I saw the hat guy, brilliant, first thing in the morning, seeing a vampire on it's bed. 

"Morning, Little Bitch, how do you feel?" He chuckled and went closer to me, my face turned into pure red and looked away.

"N-none of your business" I stuttered and tried to look away from his adorable green eyes. His smile grew bigger on his lips and came closer, that almost our faces met, to be exactly, lips.

"Why? Your type and the smell of your blood can't stop me" He smirked devilish and was close enough my neck, I could feel his warm breath and his tongue sliding up-wards my neck. I gave out a small moan and closed my mouth with my free hand.

"Please, leave me alone" I whispered and shut my eyes to prepare for the bite.

"Laito!" A polite voice came from nowhere and I met pair of purple-reddish eyes, Reiji.

"This is not how you treat guests" He said while laying down a school outfit on the bed. Laito sighed and stood up on his feet, his eyes met mine and smiled.

"Just wait, Kim" He said with a seductive smile and disappeared after Reiji. I looked after him and locked the door. I sank on the ground and tried to think through. What the heck is going on? I don't believe it! Waking up in the morning and meeting the pervert, just perfect. I took a quick shower and put on the outfit. It fits perfectly. I went down to see the others who sat inside of the limo/car. I sat beside of Laito, bad luck and felt his arms around my waist.

"The closest AND the nearest place of me?" He laughed and held me close. I tried to push him away, but realized I was weak enough.

~ Skipping The Car Ride :P ~

I looked around the classroom that was not so much vampires. I bet that they could feel my smell of my blood. If they do, well, I am really screwed. As it was my first year, I got placed with Kanato, Laito, Ayato and Subaru, brilliant.

"Ey, Ruki, you gonna sit there or gonna play with us?" A glad voice, not coming so far away from. I looked up with curiosity and glanced over to meet a pair of grey-bluish eyes, looking up from the book he held.

"I'll skip it, but Kou, you have study, you know that?" He replied while raising his eyebrows. The blonde boy sighed and sat down on his chair.

"But study is so boring, I want fun instead" He whined and dragged his hand through his hair. I couldn't help, but smile and stood up on my feet.

"If you study with a person, it would be fun" I smiled and sat beside of him, when he looked at me, his eyes was different, The left one was red and the other one blue, it was kind of cute.

"And you are?" He asked and looked at me with boring eyes.

"Kim, you must be Kou?" I replied with a smile and opened my book. He nodded and picked up his book.

"You must be new around here?" He stretched out his arms and then laid his head on his hands. I nodded and started to read.

"Yeah, I moved to the brothers, Sakamaki, I think" I said and kept reading. His eyes were stuck on me for a while before he opened the book.

"They are kind of popular, you know" He yawned and looked at me with his mis-matched eyes. I laughed and shook my head.

"Nah, do you really think that?" I smiled and closed the book, he nodded and stretched out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Kim" He said before disapperaing from the room. I looked after him and stood up on my feet, Laito's eyes were stuck on me for minutes and I finally met them.

"What?" Annoyed as I was, I walked to the door. He laughed.

"I just enjoyed when you talked to Kou, that's all, his eyes, all over you body" He said while leaning his head at side and fixing his hat, biting his lip. I shook my head.

"Don't be silly and leave me alone" I spat and walked to the toilet. 

~ Skipping The Toilet - School -

I was lying on my bed, thinking about today, I sat up and walked towards to the door, I unlocked it and was ready to walk out, but got pushed backwards and hitting the wall, causing me lose my breath a little. When I opened my eyes, I met a pair of green eyes and a hat, no doubt, Laito.

"I can't believe you are still hanging out with that boy" He smiled and watched me, standing up and fixing my hair.

"So what? I have the right to hang out with him whenever I want too, you don't decide over me" I muttered and brushed my skirt. He reacted a little, but held it cool.

"Look, Kou may look nice, but when he feel the smell of blood, he won't be the same" He smiled devilish and for a second, stood near me, almost making me fall.

"Leave me alone, hat guy" I spat out and walked to the toilet, closing the door in progress. I almost filled up the bathtub before I felt someone grabbing my wrist and pulled me down.

"Hey, what the-" I got out when I opened my eyes and met Laito's, perfect. I raised my hand and gave him a slap.

"You pervert, why are you even here? Leave me alone" I said and tried to get up, but got pulled down again.

"Don't you ever do that again, you heard me?" He grunted and got closer.

"Laito, please..." I said before he smashed his lips against mine. My eyes went wide and tried to get out from his grip, but his grip tightened around my waist and pulled me closer. I gasped for air, but felt his tongue inside my mouth and explored it. I gave out a small moan and blushed like a tomato, I pulled back and saw Laito smirk.

"You liked it, didn't you?" He chuckled and played with my wet hair. I blushed and was unsure how to respond. 

"I hate you" I mumbled and looked on his tie, then up to his eyes. He laughed and kissed my neck.

"Don't worry, I want you to love me" He whispered and felt his teeth sinking deeply in my pale skin.

~ Skipping That Part Too xD ~

Okey, this is what I can give you for now, but stay tight and safe and I will come up with new chapters :3 Bye bye ^^ And take care cx

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