"Why do you smoke?"

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Hey bebs
Thank you soo much for 500 reads! Ily
Finn: 17 years old
Millie: 16 years old
They are not dating!
Millie moved her head to the beat and made her way up the heavy, wooden staircase.

The music was still faintly going off, as she walked towards a big door at the end of the hall.

She knocked loudly a couple of times, leaning against the wall for support.

"Come in..." a dark, but familiar voice shouted from the other side.

Millie smiled and cracked the door open, closing it behind her.

She saw a figure out on the balcony, looking closely in the semidarkness of the room.

The air hit her face gracefully and she smiled at the curly haired boy studying the view.

His back was facing her, his denim jacket swinging loosely in the breeze.

"Finn?" She croaked and walked up beside him.

He removed the white stick from his lips.

A puff of gray smoke surrounded him, as he exhaled.

He coughed and waved a hand to disperse the fumes.

"Why are you out here? It's a lot of fun..." Millie spoke softly, referring to the party that was going on downstairs.

Finn put the cigarette back between his lips and inhaled deeply.

The slightly shorter girl blinket and raised her eyebrows at him.

His gaze shifted to her, as he exhaled through his nostrils.

"I'm not a party person..." He muttered, glancing down at her lips for a quick second.

She responded with a small nod and turned around, leaning against the railing.

"Why do you smoke? You know it kills..." Millie asked all of a sudden and tucked a piece of brown hair behind her ear.

Finn took the cigarette out of his mouth, studied it and squinted his eyes at the white stick between his fingers.

"...Maybe I want to die." He whispered, a look of sorrow on his face.

He met her brown eyes, then put it back into his mouth and exhaled.

"I'm just hoping all my problems blows away as I exhale..."

(This is so deep wtf? Am i ok?)

Millie interwined her fingers, warmness greeting her cold hands.

She stepped closer towards the taller guy and bit her lip.

They stared into each others eyes and Millie felt the strong smoke fill up her lungs.

"Are you okay?" She murmured, her lips only inches away from Finn's.

He smirked, resting his hand on her waist and pulled her closer.

Millie looked at the ground, as redness invaded her cheeks.

"You're such a fucking loser..." She whispered, still not looking up from her hands and letting a small smile make its way towards her lips.

"Welcome to the losers club!" Finn chuckled, running a hand through his curls.

Millie giggled, finally having the urge to look up and locked eyes with him.

"Finn?" She said almost inaudibly, glancing up at him from under her brows.

Finn nodded and shifted his weight to the right leg.

"I-I... I'd put that out if i were you."" She replied and pointet an index finger towards the cigarette.

He nodded, placing the stick in the corner of his mouth.

"I'll think about it..."

Millie cracked a apologetic smile, her nose stuffy and the smell of cigarettes still lingered in the air.
Please give me one shot ideas or requests!! Can be about anything you want... I'm not gonna judge youu!
...Just nothing super inappropriate:)
Have a nice rest of your day

~ Emily

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