"Is that a hickey?"

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Tysm for 17k reads on my other 'Fillie One shots' book! Akhsgecishwshhsj
You can decide their age
The Stranger Things cast sat around a table, getting ready for another day of rehearsing.

Scripts, papers and waterbottles were scattered around, as the Duffer brothers were trying to come up with some good ideas.

"Are you ready?" Ross spoke up and took a quick glance around the room.

Everyone nodded, as they got comfortable in their chairs.

Finn put his hand around Millie's shoulder in a lazy manner and opened his script.

She wore one of his hoodies, pulling it up towards her chin.

It was plain black and looked quite big on her.

"You look pretty..." Finn whispered and she bit her lower lip, not meeting his eyes.


She giggled and scooted closer into his chest.

"Millie?" Matt's familiar voice snapped her out of a trance, as she nodded and started her first line.

They practiced episodes for a long time, no breaks or fresh air for several hours.

The small, crowded room was getting warmer and warmer by the minute.

Millie felt the urge to take of the comfortable hoodie and let her body breathe.

She pulled it off without any further hesitation and sighed out in relief.

Her cast mates looked over at her sudden movement, while she threw the piece of clothing behind her chair.

Sadie widened her eyes at the brown haired girl, her mouth hanging open.

Millie looked down at her plain white t-shirt and scrunched her eyebrows together.

Finn finally looked up from his reading, curious to see what was going on.

He glanced at the girl beside him, as a deep furrow ran across his forehead.

He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, when it was exposed to everyone in the room.

Gaten grinned, Noah was confused and Caleb couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Uh... You have..." Finn told Millie, his voice low so only she could hear.

"Is that a hickey?" Joe cut him off, making everyone turn their heads in his direction.

A deep red coated their cheeks and the room turned completely silent for a few seconds.

Ross leaned over the table, a smirk plastered on his lips.

"Let's get back to work and let them do their thing..." He said, followed by a light chuckle.

Everyone started laughing and Finn joined them eventually.

"This isn't funny..." Millie muttered, as Finn pulled her closer.

He rested his chin on top of her head, taking in her smell he loved.

She rolled her eyes and left a lingering kiss on his cheek, unable to resist his cuteness.

"Aww! Oh my god!" Gaten screamed from the other side, getting weird stares from his cast mates.

The curly haired boy raised his eyebrows and threw his arms in the air.

"What? Fillie is adorable..."
Tag yourself. I'm Gaten! Bahahah
Have a great weekend

~ Emily

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