"Bloody Mary!"

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This is soo pure... Aw!
Normal age:)
"I just don't think this is a good idea!" Gaten said for the third time and threw his arms in the air.

Caleb rolled his eyes, while hitting his forearm.

"Come on... Don't be a pussy." He added and sat down in the circle beside Sadie.

Gaten rolled his eyes and nibbled on his bottom lip.

"Who wants to go first?" Caleb spoke up to his friends, silence filling the small space.

"I'll do it." Sadie smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

She walked towards the bathroom door, her long, red curls cascading down her shoulders and back.

"Be careful..." Gaten muttered, as Caleb sent him an irritated glance.

Sadie closed the door behind her, leaving the rest alone in the semidarkness of the room.

"Do you think it'll work?" Noah questioned, looking anxiously at his group of friends.

"Not really..." Millie replied, propping her elbows up on her knees and rested her chin on her palms.

"You're not scared Mills?" Finn chuckled and grinned at her words.

Millie shrugged one shoulder and glanced up at him from under her brows.


He smiled at her answer, nodding his head up and down slowly.

The brown haired girl straightened her back and shifted in her position on the floor, as Sadie returned.

"What happened?" Gaten asked quickly, getting interested in what she had to say.

Sadie shook her head and sat down.

"I don't know... Nothing special." she crossed her legs and let a small sigh escape her mouth.

"Who's next?" Finn muttered and his eyes met Millie's brown ones.

She rolled them and got up.

"I'll do it." She said with a giggle, earning various nods from everyone.

The bathroom was dark, a small lit candle placed by the sink.

Millie laughed at how hard everyone was trying to make this work and how they took it so seriously.

One last glance around the room, before she closed the door and leaned against the sink.

She looked at herself in the mirror, a weak orange light from the candle creating a weird shadow on her face.

Millie exhaled a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Bloody Mary... bloody Mary... bloody Mary."

A few seconds passed, nothing but complete silence.

She smiled and cracked her eyes open.

Her eyes wandered to the mirror and she studied her reflection.

The candle flickered, before the room turned into total blackness.

"What the-" Millie was cut of by a low whisper from behind.

She felt a deep, hot breath against her neck and swallowed.

Hands encircled her waist, drawing her body backwards in a fast motion.

A high pitched scream escaped her mouth, as she was dragged into someone's arms.

The light turned on and Millie was blinded by the brightness from that previous darkened room.

She looked up, to see Finn above her, laughing like crazy and everyone else joining him.

"What the hell?" She shouted at them and crossed her arms over her chest.

"It was Finn's idea." Noah put his arms up in defense, earning a small glare in his direction.

"Finn?! What is wrong with you?" Millie tried to be mad at him, but he pulled her in for a hug.

"I'm sorry Mills, but you were talkin' about how you weren't scared... I had too!" He told her and chuckled.

Millie pulled away from his embrace and smirked.

"So... Who's next?"
I'm so excited for Halloween one shots! Ah
It's 10 pm over here... Goodnight

~ Emily

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