"You definitely can't cook."

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Bothering you with another chapter;))
Finn: 22 years old
Millie: 20 years old
They're a couple in this
"Finn..." Millie muttered from behind and walked into the messy kitchen.

Finn turned around, covered in some type of sauce and raised his dark eyebrows at her.

"What?" He asked, glancing around to see what he had absentmindedly done this time.

Millie shook her head and walked past him to check the smoking oven.

"The chicken is already burning... You're not doing this right!" She told him, followed by a light giggle.

Finn turned the heat down a little bit and cracked a smile.

"It's supposed to be a little burnt... You know I like it extra crusty." He said and mentally facepalmed himself afterwards.

"Crusty?" Millie questioned and turned away, hoping he wouldn't notice her shoulders shaking as she laughed.

He shrugged, turning down the heat and pouring some poorly cut vegetables in steamy water.

"You definitely can't cook..." Millie said, as she smirked at Finn.

He bit his bottom lip, while he turned towards her and grabbed a lemon.

"I can't cook?"

She rolled her eyes and answered, "Yeah, that's what I just said."

Finn threw the lemon in the air and caught it, slamming it up on the table.

He dragged the knife across it and sliced the yellow fruit into different pieces.

Millie clapped and nodded in a way of approbation.

"Wow, that was actually pretty good..."

Finn jokingly bowed and took one of the lemon wedges in his hand.

"Thank you. I'm very- AH!" He started screaming and covered his face, unable to finish his sentence.

The sour lemon juice had managed to get in his left eye, when he gripped it tightly.

Millie helped him rinse it out with some cold water and couldn't hold back her laughter.

"You're ridiculous Finn..." she murmured and gave him a small peck right under the eye.

He shrugged, as she propped herself up on the slightly dirty counter.

Finn dried his hands across his thighs and walked closer towards her.

Her hands rested on his shoulders, his waist between her knees and staring into each others eyes.

He leaned in and placed a warm kiss on her lips, letting it linger.

Millie smiled at the touch and completely forgot about the mess for a second.

"I'm sorry..." Finn said, while slightly pulling away.

Millie furrowed her eyebrows at him and loosened her grip around his neck.

"About what?"

"I really wanted to make us a special dinner for our three year anniversary!" Finn replied and frowned.

She shook her head and cupped his face in her hands.

He felt her hot breath against his lips, the strong smell of peppermint filling the small space between them.

"I don't care about what you can or cannot do." Millie whispered.

Finn smiled and pecked her lips one more time, unable to resist.

He took a quick glance around the kitchen, seeing light gray smoke surrounding them, food on the floor and several stains on the walls.

"What should we do about all this?" He asked, while chewing on his bottom lip.

Millie leaned her head on his shoulder.


Finn licked his chapped lips and asked, "Then?"

Her brown eyes met his, a small smile making its way across her face.

"Let's order a pizza!"

He chuckled and pulled her even closer by the waist.
Remember; Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation

~ Emily

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