"Shh... Just kiss me." (Part 2)

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You're an angel for coming back
Part 2! Oof
"What are you doing?"

Finn turned around quickly, with wide eyes and scratched the back of his neck.

"Um, just finished my shower." He muttered and leaned forward on his feet.

Millie laughed and put a bowl of vegetable soup on the small, wooden table infront of a couch.

She mentioned for him to sit and he did as he was told, without hesitation.

"How are you feeling?" She spoke softly and sat down beside him, but keeping the distance.

Finn took a sip before responding, the warm liquid running down his sore throat.

"I do have a headache." He answered in a low tone and Millie could sense the exhaustion in his voice.

She got up and grabbed some painkillers from the cabinet, for him to take later.

The room had a warm, cozy feel to it and Finn felt nothing, but safe here.

He took one last sip and lowered the soup, his appetite gone.

After taking his painkillers and drinking some water, he laced fingers behind his head on the couch.

Millie gave him a soft pillow, drawing the light blanket up against his chin.

One last comforting smile, before she got up to leave him alone to rest.

"Millie?" Finn croaked out and looked up at her with big, brown eyes.

"Do you need anything?" She whispered and turned around, while sitting back down beside him on the couch.

He glanced towards the tall, wooden shelf and licked his lips.

"Is that you? In the picture?" He said and played with the blanket.

Millie blinket and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.


She got deep in thought and looked down into her lap.

Finn nodded and nibbled on his bottom lip.

"Where are your parents?"

Millie seemed triggered by his question and shrugged one shoulder.

"They work a lot... I'm usually here by myself or with my siblings." Her voice was low, almost like a whisper.

"Are you okay?" He asked and looked up into her brown, dull eyes.

"...I'm used to it." Millie responded and cracked a small smile.

Finn leaned in closer and put his hand over hers, not thinking much of it.

She felt her shoulders tense up, but got more comfortable after a few seconds.

Her back hit the couch quickly, as Finn pushed her chest backwards.

A smirk made its way towards her lips and he leaned in closer, inches away from her plump lips.

Millie felt his hot breath against her skin and exhaled deeply.

"Would you like to kiss me?" She whispered almost inaudibly, glancing up at him from under her brows.

His first was light, as if he was testing her.

She grabbed his shirt, pulling him towards her.

He pecked her lips again, this one harder and slowly gained passion.

Their lips moved in sync, as they could go on forever.

Millie was the first one to pull away and looked down into her lap, as redness invaded her cheeks.

She started laughing and Finn moved away from her cracking up as well.

They laughed along each other, filling the small space with positive energy.

"Fuck." Finn muttered and Millie laughed even harder.

She almost fell off the couch, not knowing if the situation was actually funny or if she was just over-exhausted.

Their laughter finally died down, replaced by a nice, comfortable silence.

Finn rubbed the back of his neck, not knowing how to respond to all of this.

The embrace and the kiss had been comforting.

"I should leave..." he muttered and got up from the couch.

"You'll be okay by yourself?" Millie asked and followed him out, earning a nod in response.

They stopped in the doorway and Finn put a green bomber jacket over his shoulders.

"That was... nice!" He chuckled, as Millie leaned against the wall.

"Maybe we can do it again some other time?" She asked and giggled, crossed arms over her chest.

"Remind me to wreck my car again tomorrow." Finn said with the biggest smile she'd seen yet.

"Oh my godness!"

She slapped his forearm and he opened the front door, a cold breeze hitting his face gracefully.

"Bye Millie... Thank you so much!"

He pulled her in for a hug.

"Goodbye Finn!"

She watched him walk down the dark streets, as a smile broke across her face.

What a night...
I hope you enjoyed it;
Have an amazing weekend! I love you lots

~ Emily

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