"She's drunk, alright?"

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Hello luvs
Finn: 21 years old
Millie: 19/20 years old
I like lovey-dovey one shots... but this is more up my alley!
Finn walked through the unfamiliar house and ran tired fingers through his hair.

A red cup in his hand, taking small sips from the strong liquid.

He stopped by a random door and opened it.

A guy with dirty blonde hair quickly climbed off a girl, as they shot their heads in Finn's direction.

"Oh... I'm sorry." He muttered and slammed the door shut.

A deep sigh escaped his mouth, as he continued down the hallway.

He saw another locked door and knocked a couple of times.

"Y-Yes?" A slurred voice shouted from the other side, stumbling across the floor.

Millie opened the door and peeked her head out, her hair messy and lipstick smeared around.

Finn rolled his eyes and put his hand on the door, ripping it open.

"Dude, get out!" Some guy said from behind Millie and walked up beside her.

He put his arm around her shoulders and she giggled at his actions.

Finn glanced around the room, seeing red cups and empty bottles of alcohol.

He turned to them again and grabbed Millie's arm carefully.

"She's drunk, alright? Don't try anything." He said and raised his eyebrows at him.

The boy grabbed a beer from the floor and drank it quickly.

"It's not really your business..." he started, before Finn grabbed the bottle from his hand and threw it to the ground.

"I said don't fucking try anything!"

He walked out with Millie and heard loud shouting from behind, but he just wanted to get her out of there.

Millie stumbled in her steps and he gripped her waist tightly.

She frowned when they reached the front door, a cold breeze hitting their faces, when stepping outside.

"W-Where are we going?" She groaned, while she took a few staggering steps.

Finn exhaled and continued down the road.

"I'm taking you home Mills..." he answered and ran a hand through his curls.

Millie started laughing and stopped in the middle of the street.

She lied down on the dirty, wet ground and looked up into the dark.

"You know what Finnlard... Fuck you!" She said loudly.

Finn squeezed his eyes shut and groaned.

"Oh my god..."

He looked at her and kneeled down, putting down his jacket to sit on.

No one said a word for a few minutes, just together in the dark.

"I hate you." Millie muttered, breaking the silence.

"Oh really?" Finn sarcastically answered and chuckled.

She sat up straight and crossed her legs, still in the middle of the side walk.

A small cat walked over to them and Millie grabbed it, resting it in her arms.

(Me tho)

"Look!" She squealed, as he let a small chuckle escape his mouth.

"It's a little kitten..." Millie muttered, smiling from ear to ear.

"I could tell." Finn told her softly and smiled at her cute behavior.

The cat made small sounds, closing its eyes and enjoying her gentle strokes across the gray fur.

"Hello Steve..." Millie spoke to the animal, while Finn just stared in awe.

"I'm Millie and that's Finn... he's pretty cute and I do love him a lot..." she trailed off and let it lick her hand.

Finn swallowed, as redness invaded his cheeks and he stood up straight.

Millie lazily took the cat off of her lap and gave it a gentle push towards the bushes.

It ran away and she stumbled in the direction of the house again.

She started humming to a song, almost falling to her side.

Finn grabbed her upper arm and supported her body.

"Hey Finn?" Millie muttered and inhaled deeply.

He nodded and gripped her arm tighter, biting his bottom lip.

Don't even ask.
I dedicate this to the-fame-monster cause he's great and I love him!
Have an amazing weekend

~ Emily

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