"I wanted to see you..."

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Enjoy this babes; from Oscar the grouch!
Millie: 15 years old
Finn: 16/17 years old

A small rock hit Millie's window, a light groan escaping her mouth.

The room was dark, a faint glow visible through her thin curtains.

She ignored it and pulled her soft comforters over her head, just as another hard object hit the glass.

She tried her best to ignore it and get back to sleep, but the small noises didn't stop.

A few minutes passed and she finally decided to get out of bed to check it out.

Her eyes met a pair of brown ones, his tall figure already climbing up her roof.

He reached the window and she unlocked it for him to get through.

Opening his arms, he reached out for her embrace.

"Hey Millie..." He muttered.

An annoyed expression plastered on her face, she moved away quickly.

"Finn? What are you doing here?" She asked and sighed heavily.

He frowned and sat down on her bed.

Millie studied his apparance in the semidarkness of the room, his curls messy and freckles covered his rosy cheeks and light complexion.

He wore a pair of gray sweatpants, black converse, a simple white t-shirt and a dark blue jacket over it.

"Why are you even here?" She whispered and rubbed her eyes briskly.

Finn shrugged and opened his arms with a smile.

"I wanted to see you..." he then told her, as she settled into his lap, welcoming the hands that encircled her waist.

Millie rolled her eyes, followed by a yawn.

His shoulder was placed under her chin, as she softly pecked his neck.

"I actually wanted to do something." Finn's muffled voice spoke up, readjusting his tight grip around her stomach.

Millie's lips were twisted into a wry smile, her gaze faintly annoyed.

"...Wanna get frozen yogurt?" He finished, as she shook her head quickly.

"I love you, but it's the middle of the night." Millie giggled and walked towards her dresser, taking a look at herself in the mirror above it.

Finn leaned backwards, his back hitting her soft covers.

After running a hand through his dark hair, he laced fingers behind his head and bit the inside of his cheek.

"I brought one of my hoodies for you..." he murmured, earning Millie's full attention.

She crossed her arms and shook her head once again.

"No! There's no way I'm letting you-"


"-I can't believe we're doing this right now." Millie whined, as her and Finn strolled down the empty streets in the dark.

He laughed and interwined their fingers.

A cold breeze hit his face, as he looked up at the stars.

"Come on! It's nice." Finn told her, studying his surroundings.

His eyes met hers and he pecked her lips lightly, trying to lighten up the mood.

Millie smiled, before turning around and kicking some leaves on the ground.

"...No. I hate you for this."

Finn laughed, as her lips turned upwards into a smile.

They arrived at the frozen yogurt place, warmness greeting their cold hands and the lovely smell lingered in the air.

"Take whatever you want." Finn squeezed her shoulder, getting a small nod in response.

Her brown ponytail bounced up and down, when she hurried over to the machines.

She filled her cup all the way and topped it off with some berries.

Finn payed for them, like the gentleman he is (yeah right) and they settled down by a small table.

A comfortable silence filled the space between them, as they ate slowly.

"You're not mad?" He questioned and grabbed her hand over the table.

His eyebrows raised into a silent question, staring down at her carefully.

"Not anymore..."

Millie's eyes met his and she studied his expanded pupils.

"I love you!" He said, his voice soft and low.

"... and I love this strawberry frozen yogurt." Millie replied, showing another bite into her mouth.

She giggled, her lips lifted upwards into a genuine smile.

Finn laughed and gripped her hand tighter, while he shook his head slowly.
I'm going to California next summer! YES
Have an amazing rest of your night and remember to eat tons of food

~ Emily

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