"Wow! You suck..."

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You can decide how old they are
Millie walked into the livingroom with a tray in her hand, dragging her feet across the fuzzy carpet.

"Are you ready?" She said with excitment in her voice and turned towards her boyfriend, a big smile across her face.

Finn chuckled, a breath of air escaping his mouth.

He turned towards the tray, filled with snacks and drinks.

"I'm not doing this Mills..." he muttered, while grabbing a pretzel from one of the bowls.

Millie smacked it out of his hand and it fell down in his lap.

Turning towards her again, he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"No dancing, no snacks." She told him and crossed her arms, as Finn grabbed her knee.

His eyes met hers and he started thinking furiously.

After running a hand through his curls, he sat up straight.

"Fine. What do I have to do?"

Millie smiled in a way of approbation and satisfaction; kissing his cheek lightly.

"Just one dance, okay?" She told him and got up from the couch.

She walked over to the TV, tracing her fingers along the collection of DVDs and games.

The only sound came from her pressing different buttons or Finn chewing more pretzels on the couch.

"Ah, there!" Millie spoke up and pulled out two controllers.

A small white one came flying through the air as she threw it and Finn caught ut easily with one hand.

"Come here!" She squealed, while he slowly made his way to the open space infront of the lit up screen.

"Let's do Thriller by Michael Jackson." Finn suggested, earning a small smile from his girlfriend.

A light punch to his shoulder, she found the song.

"See! That's the spirit." She said, while he slightly rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah... Whatever."

Millie scrolled through the different options, finding it quickly and pressing play.

"You know what to do, right?" She asked him and Finn kept his eyes on the screen, a blue light covering half of his face.

He nodded and got ready in his position, as Millie did the same.

The dance began and they laughed throughout the whole song.

"Oh fuck." Finn muttered several times, occasionally stepping on her foot or stumbling around.

"Wow! You suck..." Millie muttered, doing a small spin and he clumsily tried to do the same.


He moved his hands from side to side, a small grin plastered on his face.

She crossed her legs, followed by another spin, "Yeah!"

Finn laughed and grabbed her waist, turning her around.

She bursted out into a fit of giggles and squirmed in his arms.

He lifted her feet off of the ground and pulled her closer towards his chest, spinning her around.

"Finn!" Millie squealed, "this is not part of the cheography!"

Her feet met the wooden floor again and they breathed heavily, tired from dancing and moving around in the hot room.

Finn sat down on the couch and touched the back of his neck, already damp with sweat.

Millie sat down beside him and rested her head on his shoulder, as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"That was fun..." she said, her voice down to a whisper.

Finn nodded, a small chuckle escaping his mouth.

"Wanna do it again?" He suggested and Millie cracked a smile.

"I thought you'd never ask..."
This chapter is dedicated to GryffindorNinja
Thank you for making me laugh so much and taking care of mee

~ Emily

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