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Thank you for reading this sequel! I can't believe I made another 20 of these lolol

Your comments/votes and all the lovely messages I've received is truly amazing!

I'm forever thankful

I won't make a third (Fillie) one-shots book, that's too much! Sorryy

But now I have time to work on '11 days' (go read btw) and future books-

PS; If I promised you a chapter/part 2 at one point from the first book and never made it, then I'm very sorry! But I decided to go for an easier alternative for me and just make brand new ones
I hope you understand:))

Have a wonderful week; you're great!

Book started 07/17/17
Book ended 09/04/17


~ Emily

Fillie ♡ one-shots (Sequel) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now