Conor Maynard - "I lost the baby"

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You couldn't contain your tears after hearing the words "I'm sorry Mrs Maynard your baby has sadly passed away". All you wanted was Conor. But he was on tour on the other side of the world.

"I have called your husband. You need to stay here in hospital for 24 hours  but then you can go home. You have friends here to see you would you like me to let them in?" The nurse asked giving you a sympathetic looking.

Tears were still rolling down your cheeks. You sniffed and nodded.

Jack and Mikey came and kept you company, telling you everything would be okay and trying their best to make you laugh but you still had tears in your eyes. You appreciated your friends being there for you but the only thing that would you make you better right now was Conor. You needed him to be here with you.

When Conor saw that the hospital was calling him his thoughts were racing he was terrified of what could have happened. He answered the call immediately.

"Hello?" He said worriedly.

"Hello is this Mrs y/n Maynard's husband?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, it is. Is everything alright? What happened? Please tell me she's okay. " Conor was beginning to panic.

"We'll have to explain when you're here but please get here as soon as possible." Was all the doctor said before hanging up. 

Conor went into to panic mode. What happened? Were you and the baby okay? He was terrified something had happened to you.

He immediately began looking for the quickest way to get back to you.


You were just checking out the hospital as you turned around to see Conor.

He was so relived to see you and you were glad he was finally here. You ran at him and he picked you up to hug you tightly, your legs wrapped around his waist. You buried your head in his chest and began to cry again.

"I'm so glad you're okay." He whispered into your hairs.

After a couple minutes of hugging he put you down gently.

"Conor I-" You didn't know how to tell him this.

You knew Conor was so excited about the baby. This was going to be your first child. It would be such an exciting moment for both of you when it finally entered the world but now that day would never happen.

Tears began to roll down your cheeks quickly.

He wiped the tears away. Every tear broke him inside. He hated seeing you cry.

"Hey,hey its okay what happened?" He asked looking very concerned.

You managed to stop crying.

"I lost the baby." You whimpered before starting to cry again.

He pulled you into a hug. Tears now dripping down his cheeks as well. He rocked you in his arms as he silently cried.

"It will be okay. Everything's going to be okay in the end." He whispered.

"But Conor I lost our baby, our baby is dead." You pulled back to look at him and saw the tears in his beautiful blue eyes.

"I know beautiful. But I love you so much, everything will get better and if you want we can try again in the future ." He told you while stroking you cheek soothingly.

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