Jack Maynard- "Oh are you ticklish?"

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Jack eating cereal is like the hottest thing ever ^ like jack if you're ever hungry come eat my cereal 😍
Hope you like this imagine xx


It was a gloomy rainy evening, you and your boyfriend Jack were having a cupcake baking competition.

"Mines obviously going to me the best" Jack gloated.

"Yeah ovbs" You said sarcastically.

"What was that?" Jack laughed and jabbed you in side lightly.

"Nothing" You laughed.

"Also stop eating all the left over cake mixture I want some too!" You complained.

"Fine here you go" Jack said and reluctantly passed the bowl to you.

You stood eating the left over cupcake mixture until you came up with a brilliant idea.

You picked up the spatula and 'accidentally' flicked the mix all over Jacks face.

"Oops" You giggled.

"Oh I'm going to get you back for this y/n" He announced and tried to wipe the mixture off his face.

You attempted to run away but he caught you a proceed to smear cupcake mixture all over your face.

"Nooo Jackkk stopp" You whined and tried to wiggle out his grip.

"Done!" He laughed and let go of you.

You tried to wipe the cake mixture of your face and then wiped of Jacks for him.

"Oh you missed a spot just.. there!" Jack wiped the mixture of your nose and then licked his fingers which made you laugh.

The oven timer went off.

"Decorating time!" You exclaimed and rushed over to the oven.

"No you don"t, I'll get them out." He said and pushed you away from the oven gently.

"Jack I'm not 12 I'm capable of getting them out." You insisted.

"What about that one time when y-" He began

"Shhh okay fine whatever." You cut in.

Jack got the cupcakes out and then took them out the tray.

"Okay time to decorate you should go first so you don't copy my amazing ideas." Jack teased.

"No you should go first so you don't steal my amazing ideas." You replied.

"Fine I will then." Jack concluded.

While Jack was decorating the cupcakes you couldn't stop laughing at his concentrating face.

"Stop you're laughing is infectious and its making me do horribly at this" Jack groaned.

"The fact you're doing horribly has nothing to do with me Jack" You laughed.

"Oh I'm going to get you back just you wait." Jack warned.

It eventually was your turn to decorate.

"You literally just spent an hour making a mess of cupcakes." You teased.

"Ouch" Jack pretended to be offend.

You began decorating and everything was going smoothly until Jack poked your side.

You giggled.

"Jack" You warned.

It was now impossible to steady your hand because Jack kept poking you in the side. You got icing everywhere.You started laughing.

"Oh, are you ticklish?" Jack asked even though he knew damn well you were very ticklish and then began tickling you mercilessly.

"Ja-c-k sto-p-p" You were laughing hysterically.

'I told you I'd get you back" He laughed.

Eventually he stopped tickling you.

"Wow now both of us have made a mess of the cupcakes" You looked down at the icing that was smeared on everything.

"They'll still taste the same." Jack laughed as he began eating a cupcake.

You two spent the rest of the night eating really badly iced cupcakes, it was amazing.

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