Conor Maynard - Talentless

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"Woo Yess go y/n!" Mikey cheered after you hit the high note while you recording in the studio with Conor.

Joe and Jack clapped.

"Sometimes I think I can sing then I hear you sing and realise that I'm talentless" Caspar joked, everyone laughed.. except Conor.

"Guys stopp you're making me blush" You giggled, you could feel your cheeks reddening.

You looked over at Conor to see his reaction but he didn't look up. He was staring at the computer screen and clicking to mouse, he looked deep in thought.

"Conor isn't she amazing?!"Mikey said.

"Yeah, great" Conor muttered still not looking away from the screen.

Everyone shot you a confused look like "what's up with him?". You shrugged and looked back over to Conor with a confused expression.

"Wanna record your bit now?" Yo asked him.

"Yeah okay" He replied.

You two swapped places so he was sat on the stool by the mic and you were sat at the desk that the computer was on.

"Okay ready" You said as you put the headphones on, everyone fell silent.

Conor began to sing. You smiled up at him, his voice was amazing. So pure and full of emetion.

Then suddenly he stopped singing and your smile faded.

"Ugh" Conor said as he bought his hand up to his face. "I can't do it"

"What? It sounded great. Wanna try again?" You asked.

"No" He snapped. "I-I just can't do it right now, lets do it again tommorow when I'm less tired."

"Oh okay" You tried to sound like you didn't mind but really you had been excited all week to finish recording today. But you had been recording for the past 3 hours so you understood that he must be tired.

You looked across at the boys who all looked confused.

"Let's go home I'm tired" Conor said as he got up and headed to the door.

"Okay, I'll be out in a mintute." You replied.

"K" Conor said quetly as he left.

"Whats wrong with him?" Jack asked as the door closed behing Conor.

"I don't know" You sighed.

"Hmm he doesn't seem himself" Joe said.

"Yeah I know" You replied "I'm going to try to talk to him now.

"Yeah good idea" Jack said as all of you made your way out the studio.

"Bye guys!" You waved as you opened the door to Conors car.

Conor barely looked at you when you got in the car.

You looked over at him and opend your mouth to say something but then realised you didn't know what to say so you look away.

The car ride home was silent. You wanted to wait to talk to him when you were home. You were nervous to ask him what was wrong. You were going over all the possible scenarios in your head the entire journey. You were currently thinking about the worse possible thing that could happen.

"Y/n" Conor broke you out your thoughts.

You realised that you were here and Conor was stood holding your door open.

"Oh thanks, sorry" You babbled as you got out the car. He didn't reply, just shut the door.

The second you were in your shared apartment Conor sat down on the sofa, eyes glued on his phone.

You leant against the kitchen worktop and pulled out your phone.

There was silence for awhile. Neither of you looking up from your phones. You hated this. This was worse than arguing. The silence was almost deafening. You had no idea what he was thinking. He was shutting you out and you hated it.

"Conor, we need to talk" You broke the silence.

"K" He replied withou taking his eyes of his phone. Like he didn't care at all.

You walked over and stood infront of him. He still didn't look up.

"Conor" You said harshly finally getting his attention. He looked up and put his phone down beside him.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" You sat down next to him. " Please talk to me."

"I just" He sighed " I feel talentless, worthless."

He sounded so sad. He looked down at his feet avoiding eye contact.

"What? Why would you think that? You're one of the most talented people in the world." You said.

"Y/n you know that's a lie, compared to you I- I'm nothing" He whimpered.

"What?" You were so confused. Conor, The Conor Maynard thought you were better at singing than him.

"Recording this song with you has made me feel so talentless. My depression has been really getting at me lately, I'm sorry for being so useless when we're recording I- " tears were welling in his eyes

"No" You cut in "You are not worthless, you are not talentless or useless. You are Conor Maynard, one of the best human beings on this planet. You are such an amazing singer, I aspire to be like you. Don't ever think that you're worthless ever not even for a second."

You wiped away his tears and hugged him tightly. He cried into your shoulder.

"I'm sorry" He sobbed.

It hurt you so much to hear him cry. Conor was one of the happiest and bubblies people you knew and when he was crying or sad at in anyway it made you feel so sad because he didn't deserve this. It wasn't far that the best human ever had to suffer through depression.

"You don't have to apologise. You did nothing wrong" You whispered.

He pulled out of the hug.

"I love you so much y/n" He sniffed " I don't know what I'd do without you"

You smiled.

"I'll be here" You said as you took his hand in yours "Always"

He smiled and leaned in so his forehead was against yours. His nose brushed against yours.

"I love you too" You whispered as you connected your lips.

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