Jack Maynard- Club Night

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"Omg y/n look its Jack and Conor Maynard with all their friends!" Your best friend, Olivia squealed as she pointed over to a group of rather attractive guys.

You were out at a club called Drama having a bit of fun with all your friends. You didn't know much about this group of boys your best friend was currently basically hyperventilating over but you'd heard their names and been shown their videos once or twice by her.

"We've got to go talk them they're so hot! Oh my god, we're in a club with celebs!"Olivia screeched.

"Sure but I call dibs on Joe!" Your other friend announced.

"If they're as famous as you guys say why are they gonna want to talk to us-" Before you fully finished your sentence Olivia grabbed your arm and dragged the group over to them.

You were trying to act uninterested but as you got closer a blond boy with piercing blue eyes caught your attention.

Your friends rushed over to talk to them and ask for photos but you lingered at the back.

While Olvia and your other friend were gushing over two boys with curly brown hair the blond was slowly made his way over to you.

You looked down at your drink pretending like you hadn't noticed him.

"Hey, are you with them girls?" He asked, looking you up and down; you felt his eyes linger on your body.

"Yeh, I am" You smiled up at him.

"Don't want a picture?" He winked.

"Not to be rude but I don't really know who you are"

"Wow I am so offended" He said sarcastically and rolled his eyes, he nodded over at the bar "Come to get a drink with me?"

You hesitated for a minute but mentally said fuck it and followed him over to the bar.

"So I am Jack and you are?" He asked.

"Y/n and you're famous for what?"

"I'm a YouTuber, and my brother's singer."

"Ohh so you're known for having a famous brother and being hot?" You teased.

"Woah well I would be offended but you called be hot so I'll let you get away with it" He chuckled.

You two continued talking for a while, he was funny and easy to talk to. The way he watched you as you spoke made your stomach fill with butterflies and every so often you'd notice him biting his lip. You could already tell he was quite a flirt.

Awhile later your friends came over with each with a boy with his hand wrapped around their waist.

"Aye mate we're all heading back now," Said the one next to Olivia how you thought might be Conor, Jacks brother.

"Have a good night" Said the one next to your other friend, you presumed he was Joe; he looked over at you and winked.

You all said your goodbyes as they got in cabs, leaving you and Jack standing outside together.

"Want to come back to mine?" Jack smirked.

"Mmh okay but don't get any ideas!" You joked making him laugh.

Jack called a cab and you stood in the chilly weather waiting for it, you shivered.

"You look cold," He said as he took off his jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders.

"What a gentleman" You giggled "Thank you'.

Finally, it arrived and Jack held open the door for you to get inside and then got in.

You were rather excited to be going back to his apartment, he was a celeb after all and well he was .. attractive to say the least.

He sat close to you in the taxi, his knee gently brushing against yours every so often. You were pretty sure he was doing it on purpose.

When you got to the apartment Jack ordered pizza and you sat on the sofa eating it.

"Jesus have we really been out that long," He said and pointed towards the window.

There were deep orange colours beginning to appear on the horizon. You got up and rushed over to it.

Jack was watching, thinking how pretty you looked a the glow from the sunrise hit your face.

"Come, look at how beautiful it is!" You called.

"Sure the views pretty but you're prettier" He joked, causing you to laugh.

He turned you to look at him and tucked the hair that was on your face behind your ear. He wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned down slightly, bringing his face closer to yours. He lingered for a moment as if checking to see if you were going to stop him, you didn't.

You thought he was going to kiss you but instead, he planted kisses up your neck and just under your ear. You pushed your body close to his, closing what little space there was left between you. As you tilted your head slightly you crashed your lips into his.

The kiss got heated as he ran hands down your ass and grinded his hips into yours. You two ended up making out more on the sofa.

And let's leave the rest to the imagination shall we, hah.

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