Ex- Jack Maynard

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Jack was studying the gorgeous colour in your eyes and smiled every time your eyes lit up as you smiled, remembering why he fell so deeply in love with you.

You were meeting up for coffee, doing that thing that exs do when they try to be friends.

It had been 9 months but it still stung Jack slightly when he saw you. He had engulfed you in a hug and the smell of his fancy cologne filled your nostrils, a smell you missed so much. You remembered the first time you'd smelt the same cologne when you were out not long after the breakup and the man in the shop was wearing it, you felt like breaking down in a fit of tears right there.

But you were fine now, you'd healed; you'd moved on. Jack on the other hand was not doing so well.

The waiter came over to your table to take your orders, just as you were about to say yours Jack said it for you and go it perfectly right.

"You still remember it?" You smiled.

"Of course!" He replied "You know I tried coming to this coffee shop once after we um brokup and it just wasn't the same without you."

You gave him a sad smile.

You were making small talk about something dumb as you felt Jacks leg brush against yours, you tried to ignroe it but he did it again and again.

"What are you doing, Maynard?" You narrowed your eyes at him.

"What nothing, nothing at all" He smirked.

You kicked his leg lightly, catching him off guard and he yelped.

You began to giggle, he thought your giggle was the cutest thing ever.

You two played footsie under the table for few minuets but stopped as the waiter brought over your drinks.

"God what are we 12?!" You laughed and took a sip of your drink.

"So y/n how have you been? Been seeing anyone?" Jack winked, acting like he wasn't nervous to find out if you'd moved on or not.

"I've been good thanks! I've seen a few people but nothings really stuck. What about you?" You answered.

Jack internally took a sigh of relief.

"I've been good too!" He lied "Same with me to be honest nothings sticking."

That wasn't true, he hadn't been good at all. He hadn't been properly been seeing anoyne, he'd hookup with girls he met in clubs that had nothing on you, but that was it.

"Good, good" You smiled.

Jack wanted nothing more than to tell her how he really felt, to tell her he hadn't moved on on; he couldn't. He wanted to tell you that he was still in love with you. But he could't bring himself to do it. You were happy now, he couldn't ruin it.

You carried on talking for awhile, Jack felt like he was falling in love all over again. Even though he knew he never stopped loving you.

As you both got up to leave you hugged again and walked outside together. You said goodbye and began walking you separate ways.

Suddenly Jack spun around and shouted your name.


He took a deep breath, he was about to do it. He was going to tell you how he actually felt.

"Um we need to do this again" He said.

"Yep! Bye now Jack." You said before waving and walking away.

Jack watched you go realising that you were the one that got away.


Two imagines in the same day?! The same hour?! Oof am I feeling okay? ahaha. Hope you enjoy xx Tell me what you think xx

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